Hey mate,
The PIP with your Test E has little to do with the crashing or your filter.
PIP comes from the BB. It also comes from Test E.
BB can cause an allergic reaction - Anaphylaxis reaction - burning, itching, swelling of the skin (Anaphylaxis Triggered by Benzyl Benzoate in a Preparation of Depot Testosterone Undecanoate).
Test E, from my experience, causes PIP and minor swelling at concentration above 200mg/ml, even when BB is not used.
Some people believe Test E has a manufacturing by-product called "carbolic acid," and allegedly, this is what causes the PIP.
All I know is that Test E will cause PIP, and the better alternative is Test C. It doesn't cause any PIP or swelling at 200mg/ml or higher.
..dude you'Re a homebrew encyclopedia.... no more test E, switching to test C from now on
Hey mate!
Thank's for the answer.
I'll refilter it with right filter and see if it helps.
Yes I heard some are allergic to BB but this don't cause those reactions so it's not that.
There is no swelling at all. But I can take it down to 200 mg do you think it will be less pip then?
How do one get rid of carbolic acid then?
But Testo C is hard to make since it's easy to chrystelize.
I never had any problem with pip from testo E before but this time everything went wrong.
nah test C should be as easy to make as test E; same process and all