Testosterone Enathate vs Testosterone Propionate for first cycle


New member
Ok, so I know the general consensus is that testosterone Enathate is superior for a first cycle.

However, I am wondering how drastic the difference will be with test prop.

Pro's of using test prop:

The gains should kick in faster so you will know if you have a legitimate product.


You will have to pin more regularly but if you are not afraid of needles this should not be a problem.

You covered it. Starting a first cycle with something that needs pinned eod considering you never pinned before and are inexperienced with site locations, it is recommended to use test e or test c. Plus virgin spots can be very painful at first. Dialing in an ai will also be accelerated due to the short ester...
ENANTHATE! I used prop for my first cycle and HATED pinning eod. UOU WILL TOO! LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES. Plus you have virgin muscle and even test e is going to hurt like a bitch the first few pins
I've probably injected myself over 1,000 times over the last six years, and I still don't like prop at all. 5-6ml in a site? Sure, it aches a little for a couple minutes, but passes. Acetate or phenylpropionate? Not a problem.

But test prop just has some gnarly bite that doesn't agree with me. Even TNE or suspension hurts less to me (yes, that stuff can give some gnarly PIP too).

Your first experience should be nice and simple, ensuring that it's not only easy to correct if there's a mistake - but also to give the smoothest experience possible. Pinning multiple times a week with a lower concentration oil (prop is usually half the concentration of longer esters) is not only more work, but totally a first timer, just learning how to get past that whole steel knife in the body thing? Just not the best idea imo.

My vote is enanthate. :)

My 0.02c :)
If you want to inject every other day use test prop. If you would rater inject 2 times a week or every 5 days use enanthate.