Testosterone for ED

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Men living with erectile dysfunction due to low hormone levels can benefit from hormone therapy.

Testosterone should greatly improve libido and, as a result, may improve erection problems (erectile dysfunction) in men who have low testosterone levels.

Bromocriptine and cabergoline may help restore sexual interest and potency when erection problems are caused by high prolactin levels.

Testosterone may be prescribed for men who have low testosterone levels. It is not recommended for men with testosterone levels in the low part of the normal range.

Bromocriptine and cabergoline may be prescribed for men with high prolactin levels.

Blood tests are needed to determine the levels of these hormones.

Testosterone for ED - Blog - Testosterone replacement & general men's health articles
Who needs cialis when with a good testosterone replacement therapy like IMT testosterone and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can work better than cialis & viagra
Worse Libido and ED with TRT than Without

Who needs cialis when with a good testosterone replacement therapy like IMT testosterone and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can work better than cialis & viagra

I spent a year on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and had worse libido and ED than before I started the entire time. I took several weeks off and about the only thing I noticed was that I had BETTER libido and less ED issues off than I did while on. Not good or great levels, but better than while on.

I decided to give testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) another try since I get slightly more energy on than off, and bam, my libido dropped to zero after my first pin. My E2 never gets above 34 even without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I don't seem to convert anything to DHT. PD5 inhibitors do not help since I have no libido in the first place. I don't smoke or drink more than an occasional glass of wine and I am not on meds for depression that often come with these type of side-effects.

WTF? Its like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) works 'backwards' for me - the main reason I started Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at the very beginning was to (try to) help my lost libido and it makes it worse instead of better.
I spent a year on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and had worse libido and ED than before I started the entire time. I took several weeks off and about the only thing I noticed was that I had BETTER libido and less ED issues off than I did while on. Not good or great levels, but better than while on.

I decided to give testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) another try since I get slightly more energy on than off, and bam, my libido dropped to zero after my first pin. My E2 never gets above 34 even without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I don't seem to convert anything to DHT. PD5 inhibitors do not help since I have no libido in the first place. I don't smoke or drink more than an occasional glass of wine and I am not on meds for depression that often come with these type of side-effects.

WTF? Its like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) works 'backwards' for me - the main reason I started Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at the very beginning was to (try to) help my lost libido and it makes it worse instead of better.

Just curious. Have you consulted with a urologist? What did he say about your ED issues and the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) connection?
No Urologist Yet

Just curious. Have you consulted with a urologist? What did he say about your ED issues and the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) connection?

Not yet...But that is because the first testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Doc and another General Practitioner both blew me off about it. Their general response was twofold: First, since I do have night time erections then there are no 'physical' issues what so ever, and second, since they added Testosterone and it did not help - then my problem is not Testosterone-related. Its all in my head, in other words. I figured, OK, well, then its no use having yet another doctor tell me the same thing.

The thing is, my already low libido drops to zero on testosterone - within 3-4 days of my first pin. It is an obvious and noticeable change - and when I stop testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cold turkey, after a week or so I start experiencing a bit of libido again. Having a night time erection at, say 2:00am is not terribly "useful" when one has no libido and ED issues. My Prolactin levels are fine and I am supplementing with DHEA and Preg cream and using HCG three times a week.

I see threads on other forums where guys have the same experiences: On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and still no sex drive???

TESTOSTERONE NATION | No Libido on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), Considering Stopping - Page 1

Been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 4 months... no improvement, if anything conditions are worse. [Archive] - Anabolic Steroids - Steroid.com Forums

How Did testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Affect Your Libido?
I spent a year on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and had worse libido and ED than before I started the entire time. I took several weeks off and about the only thing I noticed was that I had BETTER libido and less ED issues off than I did while on. Not good or great levels, but better than while on.

I decided to give testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) another try since I get slightly more energy on than off, and bam, my libido dropped to zero after my first pin. My E2 never gets above 34 even without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I don't seem to convert anything to DHT. PD5 inhibitors do not help since I have no libido in the first place. I don't smoke or drink more than an occasional glass of wine and I am not on meds for depression that often come with these type of side-effects.

WTF? Its like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) works 'backwards' for me - the main reason I started Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at the very beginning was to (try to) help my lost libido and it makes it worse instead of better.

Are you overly stressed or depressed? Also, how old are you and are you married or dating anyone? Does porn turn you on?
Yes your circumstances are an anomaly, most of the time it will have a very positive effect on libido. About half the men with ED have symptoms alleviated with testosterone alone, the other half with also need a pde5 to go with it. Sorry that your in the half it does not work in, but I wouldn't give up.

Also remember a very large part of libido is psychological.
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Not depressed or stressed

Are you overly stressed or depressed? Also, how old are you and are you married or dating anyone? Does porn turn you on?

I am 48 and I am not overly stressed or depressed. I am married and love my wife, no issues there. The thing is I only get mentally turned on now, but feel nothing physical. If I see a hottie walking down the street, mentally I am thinking..."dang, she is smoking hot!' but I have no physical reaction. Its like I can't feel my penis, even.

Up until I turned 40 I had a huge libido, along with hair loss that goes along with strong DHT levels. Then it just slowed and stopped. Now I have no more hair loss, but no libido, either. Personally, I'd take libido over hair any day. I can shave my head or wear a hat for that matter.