testosterone level at 2440!!!


New member
My first post here, hoping to get some productive feedback.

I decided I wanted to stop being scrawny and put on some muscle this summer and so I wanted to get my blood levels checked for everything. I hired a trainer who is an x-pro and former Mr. Colorado and got my diet in order - for others who have been considered hard gainers, I went from 152 and am now up to 165 after 4 months (I'm 5'9") and am eating what I consider to be inhuman amounts of food, but it works. Anyway, when my levels came back, my test was at 214. My endo put on me on 1 tube of 1% testim daily. After a month, I felt nothing whatsoever, and didn't have any special gains, so I decided to get my levels retested thinking I would just go to injections.

Much to my surprise, my Dr. called me freaked out saying my levels were at 2447 on a scale of 300-800 being normal. My trainer said that was what his levels were when he was competing. So, here's the deal. I have a 2.5 month supply left. My doc wants me to go to 1/2 tube daily and then retest. I want to put on muscle quickly like everyone else and would like to take advantage of this if it will help, but want to understand what the consequences could be at being that high for about 3 months. I'm taking nothing else, just the gel, and eating a ton (nearly 5000 calories per day) and working out balls to the wall hard.

Any one have any thoughts? Am I just being foolish, taking a risk that will cause probs, etc. or should I take advantage of my super high level and will it really make much of a difference. I'm 33, healthy, 7% body fat with no health problems in the past and a former professional athlete.
The endo told me the tests can be off sometimes. 2500 test level I didn't even know was possible. You must have to strap your pecker to your leg cause you got a constant hard on. That is wild bro, and only on the gel. You must feel amazing.

As for ? it's not real clear. What is it exactly that you trying to ask here? Are you thinking about taking twice as much gel recommended but are curious of health hazards? With those test levels you might as well just keep doing what your doing if it's the normal recommended dose.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I'm currently taking 1 tube per day, my doc wanted me to go down to 1/2 a tube. I have a 2.5 month supply left that under her guidance would last me 5 months, or I can continue to take it at the current rate to keep my levels high and see if it helps me pack on some pounds. So, that is the question, will it help me pack on some poundage and be safe to do so? Will I have to do something after finishing up to fight up estrogen, etc.?

As for how I feel, hornier is it. I could probably jerk off 15 times a day, which is new, but that's it. I notice absolutely nothing else.
Bro, i would stay where you are and ask to get restested about 6 weeks after you run out. If you have only gained 10ish lbs in 4 months and eating 5k a day then you are either
1) Doing too much cardio
2) Not eating as much as you think (no dis-respect but i work with hardgainers all over the state and 99% of the time they are not eating what they think, are you writing it down??
3) Truly are the worst hardgainer around.

Dont get me wrong 10+ lbs is awesome for a hardgainer and i commend you, but if your levels truly are 2500 and you have only got 10lbs thats crazy to me.

I think the test is a fluke possibly and i wouldnt decrease dosage.
I'm not real familiar with the gel bro so I would hate to say yea it's cool and then see you fucked up from it. I would highly doubt a little extra gel would hurt you though when theres guys on the board here that have been fine running over a gram of test a week. And if thats the dose he started you at well it shouldn't be to unsafe.

Your ? about fighting off estrogen when your done confuses me a little because I thought this was testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which means you really wouldn't stop except for only a few months here and there if you want. Some don't stop at all is what the endo told me. If you do stop definitely pick yourself up some clomid but you should consult with your doc about all this.

It just hit me I see what your saying now about the estrogen, if you use all your gel before your next refill then you will be off for a little while until the next refill, so definitely get some clomid if thats the case. The clomid will help restore the level a little bit and prevent you from crashing as hard w/o it. Best of luck and let us know what you decide on doing.
I think the test is a fluke possibly and i wouldnt decrease dosage.

I agree I can't see the level being 2500 from the gel either, it was probably off, but then again crazy shit does happen. I would want to get retested just for curiousity if it were me.
Thanks for the replies guys. To clarify, my question about the estrogen was due to my understanding, or lack thereof, that if my testonsterone is through the roof and really this high, that my estrogen levels would be high as well and that I could run into problems with it.

As for diet, I do write it down, every meal, every day. It has helped tremendously to realize how little I've been eating all these years and couldn't put on weight. For me, putting on 13 pounds was a big jump. My trainer has my diet put together for me and that is what I'm following right now and have been for 3 months and he had me cut cardio completely. So, I wake, I eat, I lift, I eat 5 more times and then I sleep.
Thanks for the replies guys. To clarify, my question about the estrogen was due to my understanding, or lack thereof, that if my testonsterone is through the roof and really this high, that my estrogen levels would be high as well and that I could run into problems with it.

As for diet, I do write it down, every meal, every day. It has helped tremendously to realize how little I've been eating all these years and couldn't put on weight. For me, putting on 13 pounds was a big jump. My trainer has my diet put together for me and that is what I'm following right now and have been for 3 months and he had me cut cardio completely. So, I wake, I eat, I lift, I eat 5 more times and then I sleep.

Sounds good, i just wanted to check because i have seen it too much even with myslef when i first started. Good job though...eating is the toughest part for a hardgainer. If your not already you might want to try echinasia as it helps stimulate hunger a little, is sure your trainer is awesome but if you want to post your diet i will be glad to look at it.

Estrogen: Unless you are noticing the obvious symtoms...itchy or bigger nipples, puffiness in the body, etc etc then its hard to say without knowing your estrodial levels
My first post here, hoping to get some productive feedback.

I decided I wanted to stop being scrawny and put on some muscle this summer and so I wanted to get my blood levels checked for everything. I hired a trainer who is an x-pro and former Mr. Colorado and got my diet in order - for others who have been considered hard gainers, I went from 152 and am now up to 165 after 4 months (I'm 5'9") and am eating what I consider to be inhuman amounts of food, but it works. Anyway, when my levels came back, my test was at 214. My endo put on me on 1 tube of 1% testim daily. After a month, I felt nothing whatsoever, and didn't have any special gains, so I decided to get my levels retested thinking I would just go to injections.

Much to my surprise, my Dr. called me freaked out saying my levels were at 2447 on a scale of 300-800 being normal. My trainer said that was what his levels were when he was competing. So, here's the deal. I have a 2.5 month supply left. My doc wants me to go to 1/2 tube daily and then retest. I want to put on muscle quickly like everyone else and would like to take advantage of this if it will help, but want to understand what the consequences could be at being that high for about 3 months. I'm taking nothing else, just the gel, and eating a ton (nearly 5000 calories per day) and working out balls to the wall hard.

Any one have any thoughts? Am I just being foolish, taking a risk that will cause probs, etc. or should I take advantage of my super high level and will it really make much of a difference. I'm 33, healthy, 7% body fat with no health problems in the past and a former professional athlete.

The amount of gear you would have to be on to get a 2440 reading would be compairable to a pro body builder. that is 3 to 4 times a normal person and the gels are very weak and never produce good results. Also if your test levels we that high you would feel like GOD! you would be able to life crazy weight make great gains and you would come off the ground when you farted. you need to see a brighter Dr and get things checked again.IMHO
No way it is 2440 with gel alone. However, many bodybuilders run at 6000 for 18 weeks. I ran at 3800 for 14 weeks and it was fine. Very few sides and gained like crazy. You should be fine at that 2400 level. Your FSH and LH will be close to zero cause you wont produce your own test. just keep an eye on sides due to estrogen (sore nipples) but youll be fine. I will agree, that if you are 2400< you shoulda gainedc WAY more than 10 pounds. I gained 20 pounds at 900. Guessing the test was wrong.

Thanks for all the replies guys, very helpful! I'm going to keep going as is and get retested here soon. Thanks for the offer to look at my diet, I'm going to take you up on that soon as well!
So here is your problem. You don't eat the right thing at the right time. Thats it. You don't need your levels that high. At 800 you would be gaining if you were eating right. Read eat to grow and go eat a ham sandwich.
Thanks for pointing out that post. Here is exactly what I ate yesterday:

Bfast - 8am
ham and egg whites - 150 cals, 27 grams of protein
wheat bagel - 250 cals, 8 protein
packet of oatmeal - 170 cals, 4 protein
1 tbs peanut butter - 100 cals, 7 protein
Total - 670 cals, 46 protein

Protein shake after workout - 3 hrs later
1 cup milk, 2 scoops protein powder, 2tbs pb
Total - 490 cals, 56 protein

Lunch - 2.5 hrs later
chili w/ turkey meat, 6 oz - 300 cals, 25 protein
Ham sandwich on 15 grain wheat bread, 2 slices of cheddar, 1 tbs mayo
485 cals, 32 protein
Total, 785 cals, 57 protein

Chipotle burrito, steak, rice, lettuce and cheese
Guestimated this one, not a typical meal
750 cals, 25 protein

Also not typical, had a new protein shake powder I was trying
1000 calories, 50 grams of protein

Totals: 3,695 calories, 234 protein

My weight this morning was 163.6 pounds. According to that post, I don't need this much food. This is a typical day in calories, just I usually have some sort of pasta with meat sauce for dinner and a protein shake instead of chipotle burrito at the end of the day. I've been consistent with this for the last two weeks, I took a 1 month break this summer as I was mountain biking all over the place, but this is what I was eating earlier in the summer when I put on all the weight. I realize that the last two weeks don't mean much, so this is based more off how I was able to put the weight on this summer and more importantly, how I'm going to get big this winter going forward. Thanks for the help!
Ive never heard of test cream producing levels anywhere near that. Usually if you get 500ng/dl youre lucky