Testosterone libido hcg I dont understand !


New member
Test doesnt increase my libido but hcg does ! What is my problem my friends ? Why i have low libido ? Hcg fix this
Test doesnt increase my libido but hcg does ! What is my problem my friends ? Why i have low libido ? Hcg fix this

whats the problem ? plenty of guys report having an increase in libido while taking hcg , so just continue taking hcg and enjoy
Maby ur test is fake I don't know how to answer this one I do know I took to much hcg one time and it killed my sex drive for weeks hope someone has a answer for u brother
Whats behind it? Why test doesnt increase but hcg does ?
Only a guess here, but as a significant amount of libido actually comes from estradiol, NOT just testosterone - I'd imagine that you're benefitting from the increase in intra-testicular estradiol production due to the HCG.
no absolutely no my friends. my test is 100% legit. i dont understand this fucking libido issue man ! i heard hcg increase dht. dht increase libido ? Fuck man ! Why i have low libido !
Nothing man NOTHING ! Why test doesnt increase but hcg does ?

well maybe thats your problem ,, you should be running an AI if your running a cycle of test, your e2 could be way high and that will effect your libido, and more test isn't going to help
well maybe thats your problem ,, you should be running an AI if your running a cycle of test, your e2 could be way high and that will effect your libido, and more test isn't going to help

Ah hah. Often the simplest of solutions tend to be the best, nice catch Roush. :)

HCG doesn't convert to DHT btw OP, testosterone does.
OP, have you gotten blood work to see your total and free testosterone levels? There are many anecdotes of HCG improving mood and libido in people. There are receptors in the brain for Luteinizing hormone and hcg. Theoretically, this means HCG may have some effects on mood and brain function. There is also the theory that hcg can increase some other hormones like pregnelone and DHEA which can affect mood, energy and libido. No hard science here, just conjecture, but some of these may explain the effect hcg has on some people.