Testosterone Propionate VS Testosterone Enanthate

sorry for bringing back an old thread...but how would you run a first cycle of Test-P by itself? I'm well aware of running other cycles, but Test-P would definitely be different due to the eod injection.

75mg shot every day or 150mg shot EOD
I prefer Prop. I really have no issues injecting more frequently and I'm one of the few people who doesn't really notice the effects of the Enanthate until week 6 or 7. Unless I kick start the cycle with Prop or an oral, my gains are very slow until week 6 or so. I would use Prop unless I was going to cycle for more than 12 weeks, anything shorter would be Prop exclusively.

How is that cycle goin for you? I am just about ready for mine and its

Tren ace 2 bottles
Test Prop and Test enathate
about 35 50mg var

Which do u think test wise Prop or enanthate or both?
Ugh. I hate comparisons of esters etc. Test is test.

Lol at does it make you ripped. I hope so cause I'm gonna sit on the couch and inject some and I better be ripped by morning or I will be pissed.
for an equipoise cycle is it ok if i use test prop for 14 week ?? because i already bought them and then people told me that test e or cyp is better with eq
for an equipoise cycle is it ok if i use test prop for 14 week ?? because i already bought them and then people told me that test e or cyp is better with eq

prop with eq is fine , just a waste of a lot of needles and injections. eq needs 2 injects a week at most and prop needs every other day injections. , you can divide your eq dose up and mix it with the prop.
prop with eq is fine , just a waste of a lot of needles and injections. eq needs 2 injects a week at most and prop needs every other day injections. , you can divide your eq dose up and mix it with the prop.

I know this is an old thread but hopefully this will help someone or, who knows, maybe someone can constructively criticize my cycles. I have done two cycles of eq and test p. I just mix them and inject every other day. As long as you rub out the injection sight you shouldn't get a knot or any pain from swelling. Personally I use a tennis ball to rub it out, or have one of my many girlfriends run it out for me. If any, I only have pain on my first injection of the cycle. If anyone else can give me more information on my cycle that can help it'll be much appreciated.