Testosterone randomly went to zero, no reason at all

I just called back the place and spoke to the specialist himself.
I asked him about a PCT protocol and he says he hasn't done anything involving that before.
But he also said he does extensive metabolism checking to see what exactly is causing an issue etc etc. I said I'll call back tomorrow. Not really sure if he is the person I should see now, but I don't know maybe him doing a metabolism check could be useful in some way ?

So in other words he will order some blood work for you at a hefty fee?
She said there is a deposit incase I cancel but if I don't then it will go towards the final payment. The lady was emphasising the point that he specialises in returning the body to it's normal processes .
Would you say there is a harm going to him (like would he be a waste of
Time) or do you think there is potential for him to prescribe proper pct for the HPTA restart ?

And it does seem that way megatron. I've been reading abit online about PCT's and people say nolva is better than clomid ?

On this website ################ the person posted what he believes to be the best PCT protocol.
It has nolva , hcg and aromasin .

Il copy and paste it here "
Week 1 - 6 :
Nolvadex (20mgs/day)

Week 1-3:
HCG 500iu/day

Week 1-4:
Aromasin 20mgs/day

Week 1-3:
Vitamin E 1000iu/day."

I also read on another article that it's beneficial to add vitamin d3 to a PCT.

Would you say that would be a good protocol to follow ?
Sorry for the noob questions, and thanks again

That is not a good HPTA restart protocol.

Are you at least resting now and eating better?
So in other words he will order some blood work for you at a hefty fee?

Lol yeah i guess putting it that way makes it sound silly. I really need a good endo here that knows what he is doing.

That is not a good HPTA restart protocol.

Are you at least resting now and eating better?

Honestly I'm not eating better. Just eating a lot of junk and whatever but will follow a proper diet religiously as soon as I get my PCT set up.
(3J has generously agreed to help with my diet when I set up the PCT) and I want to start the pct as soon as possible .
But yes I have stopped training completely at the moment .

If that isn't a good HPTA restart protocol, would you mind telling me what would be ? Sorry I am really newbie with all this kind of stuff
See this is what happens when people give a guy bullshit advice & he listens to it.

You do NOT need any drugs to take care of this problem because it is a TEMPORARY issue that will resolve itself once you correct your diet.
You do NOT need clomid, nolva, hcg or whatever the fuck other people have been recommending you go on.
I have tried experimenting with pct protocols with natural bodybuilders after a contest because they're endocrine system is messed up like yours and guess what? The effect was NOT as efficient as a few dietary changes that I would nornally use.
Being shutdown due to aas use & being downregulated due to caloric restriction/overtraining are NOT caused by the same things physiologically & are NOT solved by the same drugs either.

I suggest you get started with 3J immediately & stick to your current endo to see if he finds anything else going on - I recall you saying he wanted to do further tests.
Until he gets the tests he wants done, do NOT pay attention to anyone recommending some bullshit modified pct protocol. Wait for your endo to do his thing.
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See this is what happens when people give a guy bullshit advice & he listens to it.

You do NOT need any drugs to take care of this problem because it is a TEMPORARY issue that will resolve itself once you correct your diet.
You do NOT need clomid, nolva, hcg or whatever the fuck other people have been recommending you go on.
I have tried experimenting with pct protocols with natural bodybuilders after a contest because they're endocrine system is messed up like yours and guess what? The effect was NOT as efficient as a few dietary changes that I would nornally use.
Being shutdown due to aas use & being downregulated due to caloric restriction/overtraining are NOT caused by the same things physiologically & are NOT solved by the same drugs either.

I suggest you get started with 3J immediately & stick to your current endo to see if he finds anything else going on - I recall you saying he wanted to do further tests.
Until he gets the tests he wants done, do NOT pay attention to anyone recommending some bullshit modified pct protocol. Wait for your endo to do his thing.

Honestly thought I personally find this endo very uncomfortable. Everything is so rushed he honestly is doing his job just for the dollar and he makes it so obvious. Doesn't take time to listen, closed minded. I would personally feel more comfortable with someone else and someone with more knowledge.
Okay il re-email 3J asking if he could help me with the diet as soon as he can and il follow it religiously as of the very second I get it .
I've added a heap of body fat on recently aswell :(
Would be very keen to start diet asap then and see where it takes me.
If the diet doesn't work after some time do you think then it would be a good idea to undergo a pct protocol to restart the HPTA ?
Honestly thought I personally find this endo very uncomfortable. Everything is so rushed he honestly is doing his job just for the dollar and he makes it so obvious. Doesn't take time to listen, closed minded. I would personally feel more comfortable with someone else and someone with more knowledge.
Okay il re-email 3J asking if he could help me with the diet as soon as he can and il follow it religiously as of the very second I get it .
I've added a heap of body fat on recently aswell :(
Would be very keen to start diet asap then and see where it takes me.
If the diet doesn't work after some time do you think then it would be a good idea to undergo a pct protocol to restart the HPTA ?

Get your diet in check, find a new endo & send him/her the bloodwork results you have so far.
Then in 4-6 weeks time if the diet hasn't worked, and your endo finds nothing new, then we will work out a hpta restart protocol.
Get your diet in check, find a new endo & send him/her the bloodwork results you have so far.
Then in 4-6 weeks time if the diet hasn't worked, and your endo finds nothing new, then we will work out a hpta restart protocol.

Okay I just emailed 3J and hopefully il be on the diet soon !
Il also be searching for a new endo tomorrow, calling up different places and asking them if the specialist is familiar with hypogonadism.
Everything youve mentioned sounds good, cant wait to get everything back on track.
Thanks heaps rip :)