Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and Acne problems! "sorry another acne question"


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TRT and Acne problems! "sorry another acne question"

ok been reading forums for awhile and trying to learn as much as I can from other members. Browsed around a bit for the question I am about to ask and learned alot but still felt I needed to here some opinions.

44 yrs old and did about 10 cycles in my lifetime with some successful and some not. Anyways recently went on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) do to low test levels I believe it was around 219 or so."probably wrecked my natural production from my history but thats another story" Been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since march 2011 2cc of cyp every two weeks. firt two months was fine then....

I decided to do my own cycle starting May and went up gradually by adding 1cc in between testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) then to 2cc every week. All was going fine until middle of june and acne started and never stopped....

So i panicked and cycled down gradually within the last 6 weeks and only been doing my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which is 2cc every two weeks "twice a month" and acne is still minor to severe and no signs og letting up.....

I tried form first signs all remedies posted on forums form creams to soaps to high dosing of vitamins etc. b5,b6,d,e,a nothing worked. Also sun will dry them out but next day there back. Acne is cycst and normal and annoying....

ok now that i am back to dr..levels i explain to him about my sides so he perscribes me minocyline "NOT SURE OF SPELLING" Been on perscription for 7 days and acne seems to got worse it was contained on back and shoulders now on face......

not sure of my levels along the way as dr never checked. iam guessing he is going to check on my next visit when i tell him perscription is not working...

Ok i guess my question is what is the best way to bail out of my situation and go back to square one...i rather deal with being sleepy during the day then all this acne......

thanks in advance
FYI 1cc (assuming 1cc==100mg) once a week is much better than 2cc EoW.

As far as the acne, give the meds a try first. IMO Acne is small price to pay for TRT.
FYI 1cc (assuming 1cc==100mg) once a week is much better than 2cc EoW.

As far as the acne, give the meds a try first. IMO Acne is small price to pay for TRT.

First thnx for reply

I am assuming u mean one is better than 2 as for my own cycle I ran? Did have no acne until I boosted it from one.

My dr is sending me to dermatologist next week as mino is not working in week 2 yet.

Acne small price to pay! Yes understood that beforehand but acne got way out of control couldn't keep count of how many on back and shoulders n now face.

Just wondering if it could be estrogen level or getting shot every 20 days is bouncing my level to much or still crashing from cycle.

Basically acne is not stopping :)
I'm in the same boat. I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and started to get really bad back acne. Minocycline did nothing for me, my wife thinks it made it worse. I'm going back to the dermatologist tommorrow.
A dermatologist should certainly be able to help you out.

I've tried nearly everything for my acne over the last 8 or so years. I'm prone to acne without any sort of testosterone or other supplement/drug.

I'm finally looking at the last resort, accutane. It's the closest thing out there to an actual cure. It's nothing to fuck around with, though, as the miraculous near-cure effects come from dosages that also introduce shitty side-effects.

It's much like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), in that it's a balancing act between effectiveness, and side effects/long term health. I'm looking at low dosage accutane to start with, which is only more recently becoming studied and widely supported. It shows still fantastic effectiveness with greatly reduced side effects, as compared to the full dosages. The primary drawback is that it's far less likely to be permanent, and you probably have to take it for a longer period of time to keep clear.

I've found a source I'm currently looking into a bit more, but it's far and away the cheapest option I've found for those of us who don't have a script. If you (or anyone, I guess) want to talk sources, just PM me.

Of course, if you can get a script and a dermatologist who is truly knowledgeable on the subject, please go that route.
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Hopefully cashout will see this thread as his the best man for this question.

But I will give you my opinion. I think your acne was partially due to estro. Are you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or were you during your blast? If not get your e2 checked.

I fell into the b5 pantothenic acid as well. I already have it so I'm trying 10g a day with 1000mg of tetracycline since I already have both of them. Mine is due to high levels of androgens but still not bad acne. From my conversation with cashout I'm assuming it will not work but I'm just using it since I have it.

Topical clindamyacin and benzol peroxide cream in combination should clear it up. Both are topical. Clindamyacin is a topical anti biotic and has worked well for others. You can get the benzol peroxide cream at any store for $5. Just beware it can bleach clothing and towels/sheets. After putting it on, wash hands and wear a plain white t-shirt to bed until it subsides.
I would say your acne is definitely related to high estrogen levels. First of all you need to take your injections once a week. That will help stabilize your hormones. Also, when you say 1cc or 2cc that means nothing. You need to say how many mg's your taking (like 100mg per week). If it were me I'd drop my dose down to 50-75mg week. Take .25 to .5mg arimdex 2-3 times a week. Wait for acne to stop. Then come off arimdex. Then titrate test dose upward 10mg per week till I find right dose. But that's just me. That whole process would probably take 2-3 months. Also, you could stay on maintenance dose of arimdex. Smashing estro really works for getting rid of acne. A dermatologist won't treat your hormones and obviously your hormones are the problem. Accutane works wonders too though.
You should try a benzoyl peroxide wash too. I get it prescribed, so I get 3 huge bottles for $10. All you have to do is wash with it twice a day. If it starts to irritate your skin try once a day or just using less when you wash. The trick is to get your skin warm for a little bit first so the peroxide can get in there and kill the bacteria. Never leave benzoyl peroxide on your skin over night.
I am using clindamycin phosate and finacea just as long and no results. Persistent acne just keeps comin. As for cc to mg have to double check that. Dr is giving shot every 20 days been off my cycle 6 weeks.
Going to get blood test friday for estrogen level. And no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle.never got acne like this on a cycle.

Thnx for input

Thinking of just stopping everything and clean out

PS think zinc will help orjust another home remedy
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Trust me I've tried everything in world for acne on my shoulders and on my back which I've never gotten before until now and the most awesome thing that worked and TOTALLY worked in less than 10 days was Apple Cider Vinegar. Take a rag wet with it and rub on affected areas before bed every night and if you can get used to the smell IT WORKS
I've used the apple cider vinegar and it did seem to help but I wasn't persistent with it. They also sell apple cider vinegar pills you can take. Make sure it's raw apple cider vinegar.
Thnx everyone ill try it! Going to take blood test to check on estrogen tomorrow.

Trying everything why not. Figure prescriptions would've worked :(

What should I ask to test n estrogen levels? Anything else that can help?__
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if your pining 2cc's at 200mgs each thats 400mg every 2 wks ur on a roller coaster bro. take 1 cc every week and blood levels will be more stable. as for the acne looks like you got plenty of good advice already
It's my dr giving me the shot exactly every 20 th day. 2 weeks

Wed.pin. next wed. Off- next wed. Off -next wed pin

Not sure if its this roller coaster causing acne or coming down from my own cycle. In my 7th week of coming off my own cycle..

As for acne getting a bit better but usually comes in waves and never stopped in the last 2time months.so not sure of I want to continue yet or just stop. Don't want to start over with acne.

Going to dr today for blood and talk to dr about estrogen and roller coastercausing shots

Thnx everyone for advise
Not a specialist but seems like hormone imbalance, if you are adding something different every two weeks in addition to the cycle. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guys recomend staying on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) only for at least a year before cycling, just let the body adjust fully.

I think that if you carry on and enjoy your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment this shit would even it's self out?

Can you not go on a once a week injection, might be better for the balance even?
Been riding on just testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 7 weeks. might be just starting to level out. Guess iu all right that my own kyle thru me out if wack. Going today for blood and talk about weekly. Don't think my dr is to experienced with this. He thinks up n down is good