Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) question.


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TRT question.

Being someone who hasn't ran a cycle yet, this is honestly what I'm most worried about. As much as I would love to get gains that are associated with steroids, I don't want to do so at the cost of my sex life. So my questions are, for those who are willing to answer, are you on permanent testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), do you think it was due to using, and how early did you have to start TRT.
Being someone who hasn't ran a cycle yet, this is honestly what I'm most worried about. As much as I would love to get gains that are associated with steroids, I don't want to do so at the cost of my sex life. So my questions are, for those who are willing to answer, are you on permanent testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), do you think it was due to using, and how early did you have to start TRT.

it honestly depends on how you react to gear, you can kill your libdo after first cycle, or you can cycle 10+ times and be perfectly okay, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is pretty much a set deal, no one wants to go from 1500ng/dl to 600 natural plus you would be taking a risk cause if you try restarting it might fail
Do you mean testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a set deal for all guys or just those who run cycles. Lets say I have a typical reaction (meaning I don't shut down after one cycle) when could I expect to have to do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I only do 3 cycles at most.
I had never done AAS nor any other form of PH/DS yet found myself on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to extended opiate usage from several back-to-back surgeries. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is permanent (with few exceptions) and is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I do not know how long I had low testosterone as I had just learned to live with being depressed, unable to lose body fat, poor memory, estrogen dominance (think weepy during sad scenes in movies), and a ton of other symptoms that I hope none of you ever have to experience. It wasn't until I was 33 that I began to question if it was normal, and after a TON of reading - had my doc order a blood test. That was four years ago, and I haven't looked back since.

I realize that my experience doesn't really fit into what I think you're asking, but it does show how delicate our bodies can be. Can you cycle and NEVER have permanent shut down? Maybe, do your genetic dice always roll in your favor? Mine obviously couldn't handle opiates, which wasn't even a known risk to me at the time (THANK YOU MEDICAL PROFESSION ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR INSIGHT) so who knows how I would have been able to handle AAS. This is probably the number one reason why I urge the younger kids to stay away from AAS as being married to needles for the rest of your life is a decision I don't think crosses their minds.

Anyway, I do think that there are precautions you can take to help your odds, but like I said - genetics probably play more of a role than any possible precaution you can take, no matter how careful you are.

My .02c :)

Man, that seems like a depressing read. Here's something to lighten the mood:

with age your test levels go down. some people are fine with having low tests while others aren't, the ones who aren't go for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), if you're worried about shutting yourself down, steroids isn't for you, you gotta be willing to take the risks if you wanna play the game, im also like halfwit, ive never done any drugs, didnt drink and i found myself on trt
Damn I may wait/never do it then. I have a gf that needs sex nearly everyday of the week, thank the gods, and I'm more than happy to help her out haha. I am willing to take gambles as long as the odds are right, but my sex life is #1!!! Maybe when I get older that'll change but for now I don't think so. FUUUUUUUUUUU. I had everything lined up and ready to go. I was so excited to run a cycle too. I'll do more reading on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but I feel it's an individual experience type thing. Are there any indicators that may say I'm susceptible to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or likely not to get it?
Damn I may wait/never do it then. I have a gf that needs sex nearly everyday of the week, thank the gods, and I'm more than happy to help her out haha. I am willing to take gambles as long as the odds are right, but my sex life is #1!!! Maybe when I get older that'll change but for now I don't think so. FUUUUUUUUUUU. I had everything lined up and ready to go. I was so excited to run a cycle too. I'll do more reading on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but I feel it's an individual experience type thing. Are there any indicators that may say I'm susceptible to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or likely not to get it?

nope, but when i had 159ng/dl i was able to fuck and get it up.... just get tested and check, if its low then chances are you'll be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) sooner then if it was high, you'll still have your sex drive on gear, and on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), none of us are aware of the long term risks of steroids, im only 21... got put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) @ age 20... did my first cycle after like 9 months of being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), for all i know that one cycle coulda shortened my life by a quarter, so instead of living to 75 id live to like 50.. but its a risk im willing to take :p, i recommend reading horror stories bout cycles
I think you're reading a bit too much into this bro. For starters, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doesn't mean you can't have sex. In fact, I'm willing to bet my test levels are higher than most guys due to TRT. But on the same token, if you're not willing to take the risks then maybe AAS isn't for you as Dennis mentioned. Either way, it's good that you're doing more research before you put anything in your body!
Okay so even at low levels ill be able to get it up but I won't want to is that the jist? Plus hell I don't want to be that 70-80 year old not being able to wipe my own ass. So dying young (65-70) doesn't bother me. But like I said not having sex does lol. Thanks again guys for the help. Joining this forum has helped A LOT!!!
Okay so even at low levels ill be able to get it up but I won't want to is that the jist? Plus hell I don't want to be that 70-80 year old not being able to wipe my own ass. So dying young (65-70) doesn't bother me. But like I said not having sex does lol. Thanks again guys for the help. Joining this forum has helped A LOT!!!

when you start off your cycle, youll fuck several times a day, when u do your post cycle therapy (pct), you can kiss ur sex drive for a month +, but you can always take viagra or cialis and get it up
Okay so even at low levels ill be able to get it up but I won't want to is that the jist? Plus hell I don't want to be that 70-80 year old not being able to wipe my own ass. So dying young (65-70) doesn't bother me. But like I said not having sex does lol. Thanks again guys for the help. Joining this forum has helped A LOT!!!
Low testosterone = either not really wanting to have sex, or wanting to, but unable to get an erection without a great deal of "work". I think you're missing the point here though: testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) FIXES that problem, it's not the act of having low testosterone itself. Damaging the HPTA (basically your testicle's circuitry) is the consequence, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the cure for that. I'd be more worried about having to pin the rest of my life than not being able to have sex, that's not even part of the equation!
Oh I know what testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is I just don't want to go through it at age 25. 2 years ago I had a blood test done because I was in boxing and the gym wouldn't allow me to spar if there were any reasons to think I was on the juice. At that point I was above average and I still believe I am. So maybe ill wait until they aren't so high, although this month ill be doing another blood test just to make sure
Perfectly understandable, and admirable that you are choosing to wait. There's NOTHING wrong with wanting to wait until you are ready to take the plunge. :agreed: