THANK YOU 3J!!! unbelieveable body in 60 days before/after photo

First let me say thank you to these forums and especially to 3j for helping me to accomplish this!

Both myself and 3j were amazed that we could accomplish these kind of results in 60 days!!!!

I have been coming to these forums for a while now and I was one of those people that thought about using steroids to achieve a better body faster. I was also one of those people that was overweight and wanted instant gratification.... I cant tell you how many threads I have read from people thinking they can overlook everything and just use steroids so that they have the perfect beach body in no time... and every time the moderators and veterans have told us to diet and exercise for many reasons to include the fact that using while overweight increases side effects etc, but most importantly that if you don't have your diet and exercise in check then its all for nothing anyway basically...

Well I entered a competition and since I have always found the best information on this site, I decided to come here for advice. While I began with another nutritionist from my gym I ended up coming to 3j to help me with my nutrition as I had to accomplish one of the hardest things possible in this industry. I had to lose Bodyfat while increasing Lean Muscle Mass!!! I assure you it is much easier to gain muscle mass when you don't have to worry about gaining some fat as well as losing bodyfat when you are ok with acceptable loss of muscle mass.

I began my journey at 21% bodyfat and within 60 days 3j helped me get down to 6.2% while I actually continued to gain lean muscle mass. My total transformation was approximately 71%!!!

I was able to win the competition at my local gym but I was not selected as one of the 5 national finalists. However, I wanted to encourage all of you out there that think you have to have steroids to quickly achieve that beach body you want in a short period of time to realize that YOU DONT!!!! What you need is dedication, commitment, and perseverance!!! Oh and I would also recommend working with 3j instead of spending your money on juice. Once you get your bodyfat down and get into a solid routine, if you decide you want to go bigger, then you can go out and run a cycle or two.
First off congrats on the transformation.

But 60 days to do what you did seems almost humanly impossible.

God bless your hard work and dedication.
It is impossible.. He had lost some weight on his own lol.. He came to me that far out
he worked his ass off..

this was not a bodybuilding contest prep.. so we did it different.. youre given points for how much bodyweight and bodyfat you loose.. so we went to some extreme measures to get his bodyfat low

with that being said, this was harder than a contest prep.. and he worked his ass off..

very proud of you brother
Thank you it was insane! 3J was very patient with me and on point with everything.

I was hoping to use this to thrust my new company I am trying to start but I guess I'll have to find another competition and push even harder...

Feels good be almost 40 and look like I did when I was 18!
Thank you it was insane! 3J was very patient with me and on point with everything.

I was hoping to use this to thrust my new company I am trying to start but I guess I'll have to find another competition and push even harder...

Feels good be almost 40 and look like I did when I was 18!
he pushed himself very hard.. so hard that i had concerns about his health..

the man has heart... dedication.. and a will of steel... he really wanted to win this competition
Awesome transformation man! Must feel great not to be carrying a beach ball in your stomach anymore. I contacted 3J for my first dieting advice last night so I can finally do a bulk without adding all kinds of fat... because that is what usually happens to me! Hopefully be able to start Friday.

Congrats again you look better than almost all of the twenty somethings at my gym dude!
literally half the man you used to a good way. Probably feel like twice the man mentally.

congrats on the hard work!
Hahaha love it! Yeah glad to have the beach ball gone for sure! And aside from the need to go shopping now it is amazing!

Also, I found out real quick to listen to 3J and to trust what he was saying!!! I only wish I had contacted him sooner. I have no doubt I would be in the nationals if I had... People be stupid by nature you know. But gonna find the next one and we are gonna win it. My insane dedication and commitment and 3J's knowledge has proven to be a good fit. I hated the spray tan and the shaving for an hour but I'm going to win a competition.
yeah well all I can go by are the numbers they gave us. unfortunately that is based off of that crappy machine that does the measurements. inbody 250 or whatever it is. Im sure I wasn't only 21% bodyfat in the beginning either but its the only numbers I had to go by other then the fact that I am 6 foot tall and began the competition at 227.5lbs and ended it at 180.8lbs. Muscle Mass supposedly increased by about 8 lbs and water weight was similar at every weight in.