The BEST Thermogenic I Have Ever Used!


New member
It is called "Thermogen II and is made by Sci-Fit. Here are the ingredients as I am reading them right from the bottle:

Serving Size: 2 Capsules

1. 10mgs Yohimbine Hcl.
2. 25mgs Ephedrine
3. 250mgs Caffeine
4. Willow Bark 100mgs
5. Cayenne 100mgs
6. Ginger Root 100mgs

I have used TONS of thermogenics, but for whatever reason this one is the only one that causes me still to BURN! With regular ECA, I just get racey. Maybe it's the Yohimbe, I dunno, but it's definitely something!

And no I don't represent them either. I just thought I'd share. However, I do think that Sci-Fit is one of the better companies out there, that most people don't know about. They are the only Company who makes a Pro-Hormone that I have actually heard guys who juice say they liked. It is 19-Nor Androstack II. It has a load of shitty PH's in them badboys!:D:D They are reasonably-priced as well. Plus, they(Sci-Fit) have alot of shit that runs out of date that they don't send back. I just got a box of low-carb bars for $5 on account of they were past-date. Usually like $25. 2g of Carbs per Bar. 15 bars/box. Chocolate Raspberry. I luv 'em!
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Nice combo indeed, could be good to cycle along with NYC. Took a look at it at but it doesn't show any ephedrine in it, instead it contains MaHuang Extract (8% Ephedra): 310mg. Is their another place that actually sells the ephedrine version?
Ever try HotRox? I used it during my last cutting phase...made me sweat like a pig...good results...but can be pricey if you don't shop around..
SCIFIT is NOT a reputable company. they have serious label claim issues. for example it is illegal to have more than 3mg of yohimbine per cap... no manufacturer will produce a 5mg cap..
macro said:
SCIFIT is NOT a reputable company. they have serious label claim issues. for example it is illegal to have more than 3mg of yohimbine per cap... no manufacturer will produce a 5mg cap..

You wouldn't know of a reputable company, would you? :dunno:
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macro said:
SCIFIT is NOT a reputable company. they have serious label claim issues. for example it is illegal to have more than 3mg of yohimbine per cap... no manufacturer will produce a 5mg cap..

Is there a medical reason for this?
btw- the "burning" that you are likely experienceing is a flushing and or allergic reaction... due to the fact that they use yohimbe bark (which is actually comprised of 37 different alkaloids many of which are toxic)
macro said:
its a legal restriction.. though 5mg is to much yohimbine for some people as well

Is this trumped up fear like ephedra? Or is there a real concern with more than 3-5mg of yohimbe? What would the side-effects be?

WannaImpress said:
Took a look at it at but it doesn't show any ephedrine in it, instead it contains MaHuang Extract (8% Ephedra): 310mg. Is their another place that actually sells the ephedrine version?

:D Ephedrine version anyone?
macro said:
SCIFIT is NOT a reputable company. they have serious label claim issues. for example it is illegal to have more than 3mg of yohimbine per cap... no manufacturer will produce a 5mg cap..

3mgs. 5mgs. Whatever. The shit turns up the temp, and that's all that I care about. And your "allergic reaction" theory is hilarious brother. I didn't get fucking hives, or start itching all over. It did exactly what it is/was supposed to, yet Im expected to believe all that is due to allergies, and NOT product ingredients??? H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! I think I'd know the difference son. Let me guess, you have connections to Thermorexin right? Mhmmm.

"Ya, I know it did exactly what you expected bro, but that is only because of allergies". LMAO.
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SkedMedz said:
And your "allergic reaction" theory is hilarious brother. I didn't get fucking hives, or start itching all over. It did exactly what it is/was supposed to, yet Im expected to believe all that is due to allergies, and NOT product ingredients??? .

interesting.. your understanding of histamine reactions is undeniably "special".

btw- yes did design the formula for thermorexin.. however, the issue here is the reputation of sci fit and the quality of the product.. and both are questionable.. there are a # of basic ECY formulations that actually use yohimbine hcl (which costs a lot more.. hence why it not used in the thermogen II formula)... and hence are better.

btw2- Yohimbe bark extract does not contain yohimbine hcl, it does contain yohimbine, yohimbane and 25 other alkaloids.. which as stated above many of which are toxic.

note- ephedrine hcl, caffiene and yohimbine HCL will produce far better thermic effects with less side effects that the above formula for a lot less.
SkedMedz said:

"Ya, I know it did exactly what you expected bro, but that is only because of allergies". LMAO.

btw- if you intend to quote, get it right..

btw2- not saying that it is not an OK thermogenic, just that the company that makes it is not reputable, that more than 3mgs is not allowed by law, that the label states yohimbine hcl when in fact it contains yohimbine alkaloids, that at least part of the "heat" is due to flushing some of which may be due to allergic reactions and/or toxic effects from the other alkaloids present in yohimbe extract
macro said:
interesting.. your understanding of histamine reactions is undeniably "special".

btw- yes did design the formula for thermorexin.. however, the issue here is the reputation of sci fit and the quality of the product.. and both are questionable.. there are a # of basic ECY formulations that actually use yohimbine hcl (which costs a lot more.. hence why it not used in the thermogen II formula)... and hence are better.

btw2- Yohimbe bark extract does not contain yohimbine hcl, it does contain yohimbine, yohimbane and 25 other alkaloids.. which as stated above many of which are toxic.

note- ephedrine hcl, caffiene and yohimbine HCL will produce far better thermic effects with less side effects that the above formula for a lot less.

Mhmm. Anhyhow Corky, I still havn't seen any proof of any "suspect labelling claims" by you vi sa vi Sci-Fit. I say it works. The ingredients listed on the label have been consistantly proven over the years to do what they say, i.e the Thermogenic Reaction. You say the same(that it works) about your little invention that has shit in it that is EVERYTHING suspect, being that those combinations are only "in theory" as far as I have read. I have seen people saying that it doesn't work. Don't get pissed at me fot that. I was just giving people results on an item that I found to be of high-quality. You are here trying to peddle your suspect product by bashing another. But that's cool. It's all about the green bro. Still though, let's tell it like it is and not insult these peoples intellect, by assuming that they aren't seeing right through your subsconcious sales pitch here. I'm not working for Sci-Fit, so we aint competing.
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who the fuck are you? Macro is one of the most respected bro's out there. He knows his shit, and dont need to try and push his products on here, they sell Their self .
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Re: SkedMedz

clee said:
who the fuck are you? Macro is one of the most respected bro's out there. He knows his shit, and dont need to try and push his products on here, they sell Their self .

Who the fuck are YOU pal? I call it as I see it. I also don't go to Threads looking to suck on the dicks of Board Vets hoping to what...maybe score a some morons do(A-HEM).:rolleyes: Mind your own business little man.
from elzi volks article: albeit only one source

The herbal formulations probably contain many of the other yohimbane alkaloids beside yohimbine. One recent investigation reported the presence of many alkaloids in 26 over-the-counter yohimbe products including dry bark and liquid extracts (53). Extraction, separation and analysis showed that authentic yohimbe bark contained 7089 ppm (0.7%) yohimbine and 3.9% total alkaloids. Most products analyzed contained very little (<0.1-0.5 ppm) yohimbine. Some of the products contained other alkaloids in addition to yohimbine. Liquid extracts contained the highest concentration of alkaloids, including yohimbine. None of the commercial products furnish information on the extraction process, and many provide no information on standardization of their product for yohimbine content. This author contacted a well-known supplement company to determine the extraction and standardization process for their herbal yohimbe product. Their reply was no more informative than what is stated on the product label and they were non-responsive to further inquiries.

Many people dosing with the herbal preparations report increased intensity of undesirable side effects. Considering that these preparations may have other yohimbane alkaloids present as well as yohimbine, various physiological effects may result from activity on both a 1- and a 2-ARs, and possibly from blockage of 5-HT and dopamine receptors (33). Also, central nervous system (CNS) activity may be increased. Individuals dosing with the herbal products should consider starting with a low dosage and raise it only as their tolerance to side effects increases.
macro said:
from elzi volks article: albeit only one source

The herbal formulations probably contain many of the other yohimbane alkaloids beside yohimbine. One recent investigation reported the presence of many alkaloids in 26 over-the-counter yohimbe products including dry bark and liquid extracts (53). Extraction, separation and analysis showed that authentic yohimbe bark contained 7089 ppm (0.7%) yohimbine and 3.9% total alkaloids. Most products analyzed contained very little (<0.1-0.5 ppm) yohimbine. Some of the products contained other alkaloids in addition to yohimbine. Liquid extracts contained the highest concentration of alkaloids, including yohimbine. None of the commercial products furnish information on the extraction process, and many provide no information on standardization of their product for yohimbine content. This author contacted a well-known supplement company to determine the extraction and standardization process for their herbal yohimbe product. Their reply was no more informative than what is stated on the product label and they were non-responsive to further inquiries.

Many people dosing with the herbal preparations report increased intensity of undesirable side effects. Considering that these preparations may have other yohimbane alkaloids present as well as yohimbine, various physiological effects may result from activity on both a 1- and a 2-ARs, and possibly from blockage of 5-HT and dopamine receptors (33). Also, central nervous system (CNS) activity may be increased. Individuals dosing with the herbal products should consider starting with a low dosage and raise it only as their tolerance to side effects increases.

Ya, ok. Once more, Thermogen II(with whateverthefuckisinit) is/was the best Thermogenic compound I have ever used, and gave me a really nice burn(for whateverthefuckreason). That's all I was trying to say dudes. You'd think by these rediculous responses(mine included) that this was meant to be something short of controversial. Damn!
btw- never said thermorexin was a replacement, never even mentioned it.. you did.. merely stated that scifit was unreputable, ...why? becuase it has been accused of underdosing, mislabeling and spiking.

the second main concern about this particular combination is the use of yohimbe and not yohimbine HCL (while still claiming Y hcl on the label)...

and it is unwise to attack someone intelligence, when you cannot even understand the arguement put forth....

note: the purpose of the post was to indicate that there are better companies and better products with a similar platform.. or even better build your own with real ephedrine hcl, use the minimum 10-1 caffiene to ephedrine ratio (used in the clinical research)(though this not clear as on one site they have 130mg and on another they list at 250), and with yohimbine hcl.

as you will note, thermorexin is not an ECY platform.. and just to set the record straight research shows that TC stack to be as effective as the EC stack with respect to fat loss and thermogenesis...
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