The best way to lose weight

Miss Perfection

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The best (naughty) ways to lose weight

Hi gurls,

Sure I'm not the only one battling weight gain in general (or from AAS). Thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about this topic to collect ideas/methods of how other lady body builders keep unwanted 'love handles', 'spare tires' & 'thunder thighs' off..! Yes, there's some naughty options between them, please don't whack me over the head for it :whipping: , it's part of my nature...

Here's some methods I tried:
*ANABOLIC STEROIDS - that make men lose weight: forget them! Men have an alien body chemistry compared to ours because they are from another planet. It's been prooven!
* DHEA (dehydroepiandrosteron) - don't believe the hype. The only place I lost a few inches was in my wallet!
* C L E N B U T E R O L - fantastic for loosing weight if you want to shake like a leaf for weeks on end, throw up allover your back yard every day and enjoy having a nervous breakdown. Lower the dosage and the weight goes up again. Ugghhh!!
*STRATTERA (atomoxetine - med against ADHD), low dose (quarter of usual - so 10 mgs/day). Less weight gain whilst using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (but still some extra pounds), more weight loss after cycle, decreased appetite, slight depression & increase in anxiety. Beware: possible strong adverse impact on mood for those who aren't truely hyperactive.
*PRESCRIPTION DIURETICS - relatively effective against water retention. Might be useful for cutting before competition. Once you stop, weight comes back on. Short term solution at best.
*POTASSIUM - 100 mgs a day. Helps me pee! Almost like natural diuretic. Also improves sleep.
*1200 MG L-TRYPTOPHAN & 1500 mg L-TYROSINE - daily on empty stomach. Speeds up my weight loss considerably after cycle. During cycle only slightly effective against the bulge.
*PE - Walking, jogging, cycling etc. 2x 30 minutes (i.e. once morning & evening), is more effective than 1x 60 mins.
*LOW CARBING - especially effective with loadsa veggies (only eating meats & proteins is considerably slower for me). Peanuts, low carb-bars and such stalles weight loss. Adding fruit (i.e. 2 apples a day), helps. Combining with large portion, lean, grilled meat (chicken breast, steak) some low fat cheese etc., no problem, as long as accent is on the 'green stuff'. Glass of white wine every now and again, no problem. Low carbing during a cycle dimishes weight gain - not prevent it. Low carbing after cycle very effective & easy to stick to.

Anyone have similar experiences? I'm curious to learn. Any input welcome, also the 'naughty ones'... :D
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How do you guys lose weight ASAP?

I realised that i am going to have a major competition coming up this sunday and i am currently sorta overweight by my category by 3kg.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Hi gurls,

Sure I'm not the only one battling weight gain in general (or from AAS). Thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about this topic to collect ideas/methods of how other lady body builders keep unwanted 'love handles', 'spare tires' & 'thunder thighs' off..! Yes, there's some naughty options between them, please don't whack me over the head for it :whipping: , it's part of my nature...

Here's some methods I tried:
*ANABOLIC STEROIDS - that make men lose weight: forget them! Men have an alien body chemistry compared to ours because they are from another planet. It's been prooven!
* DHEA (dehydroepiandrosteron) - don't believe the hype. The only place I lost a few inches was in my wallet!
* C L E N B U T E R O L - fantastic for loosing weight if you want to shake like a leaf for weeks on end, throw up allover your back yard every day and enjoy having a nervous breakdown. Lower the dosage and the weight goes up again. Ugghhh!!
*STRATTERA (atomoxetine - med against ADHD), low dose (quarter of usual - so 10 mgs/day). Less weight gain whilst using AAS (but still some extra pounds), more weight loss after cycle, decreased appetite, slight depression & increase in anxiety. Beware: possible strong adverse impact on mood for those who aren't truely hyperactive.
*PRESCRIPTION DIURETICS - relatively effective against water retention. Might be useful for cutting before competition. Once you stop, weight comes back on. Short term solution at best.
*POTASSIUM - 100 mgs a day. Helps me pee! Almost like natural diuretic. Also improves sleep.
*1200 MG L-TRYPTOPHAN & 1500 mg L-TYROSINE - daily on empty stomach. Speeds up my weight loss considerably after cycle. During cycle only slightly effective against the bulge.
*PE - Walking, jogging, cycling etc. 2x 30 minutes (i.e. once morning & evening), is more effective than 1x 60 mins.
*LOW CARBING - especially effective with loadsa veggies (only eating meats & proteins is considerably slower for me). Peanuts, low carb-bars and such stalles weight loss. Adding fruit (i.e. 2 apples a day), helps. Combining with large portion, lean, grilled meat (chicken breast, steak) some low fat cheese etc., no problem, as long as accent is on the 'green stuff'. Glass of white wine every now and again, no problem. Low carbing during a cycle dimishes weight gain - not prevent it. Low carbing after cycle very effective & easy to stick to.

Anyone have similar experiences? I'm curious to learn. Any input welcome, also the 'naughty ones'... :D

what a great post!! Very interesting read. However I have discovered the answer for me. Being new to steriods I just finished a long cycle and have been off two months. The weight is dropping like crazy and I have been somewhat retaining the muscle. The interesting thing is I did not notice what I really looked like I just saw more muscle and strength on the drug that now that I am off people are like holy crap you look great you have really gotten a shape and nice defination . So I never connected on steriods that maybe I did not look as lean as I do off this cycle. I think on a cycle now the key is start at a lower point on the scale. I started at 142 and wound up at the end of the cycle 155. Now I am dropping weight and lifting my ass off and am at 145 however I look so much better than at the beginning of 142. So the next cycle I do will be at a lower point on the scale lets say 132- 135. This may be a good plan and then I can gain weight but finish at a lower point than 155. Does this make sense? In otherwords better to start a cycle lean and on the smaller side than the bigger.
Hi gurls,

Sure I'm not the only one battling weight gain in general (or from AAS). Thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about this topic to collect ideas/methods of how other lady body builders keep unwanted 'love handles', 'spare tires' & 'thunder thighs' off..! Yes, there's some naughty options between them, please don't whack me over the head for it :whipping: , it's part of my nature...

Here's some methods I tried:
*ANABOLIC STEROIDS - that make men lose weight: forget them! Men have an alien body chemistry compared to ours because they are from another planet. It's been prooven!
* DHEA (dehydroepiandrosteron) - don't believe the hype. The only place I lost a few inches was in my wallet!
* C L E N B U T E R O L - fantastic for loosing weight if you want to shake like a leaf for weeks on end, throw up allover your back yard every day and enjoy having a nervous breakdown. Lower the dosage and the weight goes up again. Ugghhh!!
*STRATTERA (atomoxetine - med against ADHD), low dose (quarter of usual - so 10 mgs/day). Less weight gain whilst using AAS (but still some extra pounds), more weight loss after cycle, decreased appetite, slight depression & increase in anxiety. Beware: possible strong adverse impact on mood for those who aren't truely hyperactive.
*PRESCRIPTION DIURETICS - relatively effective against water retention. Might be useful for cutting before competition. Once you stop, weight comes back on. Short term solution at best.
*POTASSIUM - 100 mgs a day. Helps me pee! Almost like natural diuretic. Also improves sleep.
*1200 MG L-TRYPTOPHAN & 1500 mg L-TYROSINE - daily on empty stomach. Speeds up my weight loss considerably after cycle. During cycle only slightly effective against the bulge.
*PE - Walking, jogging, cycling etc. 2x 30 minutes (i.e. once morning & evening), is more effective than 1x 60 mins.
*LOW CARBING - especially effective with loadsa veggies (only eating meats & proteins is considerably slower for me). Peanuts, low carb-bars and such stalles weight loss. Adding fruit (i.e. 2 apples a day), helps. Combining with large portion, lean, grilled meat (chicken breast, steak) some low fat cheese etc., no problem, as long as accent is on the 'green stuff'. Glass of white wine every now and again, no problem. Low carbing during a cycle dimishes weight gain - not prevent it. Low carbing after cycle very effective & easy to stick to.

Anyone have similar experiences? I'm curious to learn. Any input welcome, also the 'naughty ones'... :D

Well put it this way.. you are what you eat.

Eat VERY VERY clean and that is honestly the best and obviously the safest way to lose BF