The Brit gets ripped; strong and shredded!

All sounds great, last petting zoo I went to I ended buying £40 of bison and kangaroo meat, whilst my kids ate ice cream- dedication!

What are you putting away protein wise a day? Looking at your workouts, size and kcal intake versusine, I reckon I am taking on board more protein a day (whey shakes are contributing prob a 100 out of a 400 daily intake).
All sounds great, last petting zoo I went to I ended buying £40 of bison and kangaroo meat, whilst my kids ate ice cream- dedication!

What are you putting away protein wise a day? Looking at your workouts, size and kcal intake versusine, I reckon I am taking on board more protein a day (whey shakes are contributing prob a 100 out of a 400 daily intake).

Protein wise im hitting up 250g+ / day which is more than enough :)

4 scoops of whey a day? - guessing thats post workout and before bed? Ive just opted for real foods to be honest - chicken, turkey, steak, tuna, salmon, trout, etc etc then the likes of cottage cheese.
Yeah, using it to supplement the same things, lots of eggs (without yolk in the main), tuna and as mentioned bison! etc.

From what I am reading my protein intake is higher than neccessary.

Have you tried quark instead of cottage cheese? But of an inretesting mix, even lower fat than cc, good as a spread as well as a mix-in. I use it with tuna, hard boiled egg white and tuna for supper.
Yeah, using it to supplement the same things, lots of eggs (without yolk in the main), tuna and as mentioned bison! etc.

From what I am reading my protein intake is higher than neccessary.

Have you tried quark instead of cottage cheese? But of an inretesting mix, even lower fat than cc, good as a spread as well as a mix-in. I use it with tuna, hard boiled egg white and tuna for supper.

Yeah I have tried quark and love it. A company called the Protein works do a "lemon sorbet" whey - and when you mix in some whey, quark, and flax seed you get an awesome pre bed meal.

Current diet is being prepped for me - so im just rolling with it :)
Will check it out. Just back from Iceland where the availability of protein infused goods is only second to the US, if you get chance their Skyr products are awesome, 22gs of protein in many of them!

I will keep an eye on your progress sir.
Ok, so here it is... in a rough form... very rough... potentially my next training cycle

Tried my best to get an even split; in terms of Legs, Push, Pull, and in terms of time spent in the gym. You'll notice that I've split shoulders over 2 sessions ; with one session focussing more on traps, and the other on lat's.

I think in week 3 I'll just cut away the Bi's / Tri's and work them as a session in their own right ; my lagging body part :( I've scripted them in with the below sessions but will play it by how I feel that week.

Week 1 has less sets as i'll be having longer rest periods :) other than that ; its pretty much as it appears.

Legs (wk 1) ; 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Squat 5x5
Leg Press (wide)
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (12-15 range)

Legs (wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Squat 5x5
Hack Squats
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (20-25 range)

Legs (wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Squat 5x5
Hack Squats
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (40+ range)

Pull (wk 1); 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Deadlift 5x5
Lat Pull Down - wide
Snatch Grip High Pull
EZ Curl

Pull (wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Deadlift 5x5
T Bar Row
Snatch Grip High Pull
Close Grip Pull Down
Hammer Curls

Pull (wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Deadlift 5x5
Bent Over Row s/s Seated Row
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Lat Raise s/s Shrugs
Cable Curls

Push (wk 1); 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Bench 5x5
Inc DB Press
Push Press
Dips (Failure x3)

Push(wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Bench 5x5
Inc DB Press
DB Sh Press
French Press
Tri Ext.

Push(wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Machine Hammer Press
Pec Dec / Push Up
Smith Machine Press
Tri Push Down
Tri Ext

Ow... and for what its worth, this youtube playlist is pretty good for checking out the Olympic Lifts if your unsure

Exercise Selection Link:

Exercise Instruction - YouTube

Chow for now

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OK, so I just got back from the gym - amazing session!

I now feel absolutely ****ed!!

So drink driving is dangerous, but I was well and truely over the safe lactic acid threshold in my legs to drive back today. I feet were so heavy it was about as smoother card ride as my first lesson when I was learning!

Session went as following.

Front Squat Warmups building up to 5 reps at 60kg - focussing on technique.

Back squats - 5x5 @ 125kg (as deep as it goes!)

Leg press - 5x5 @ 200kg

Ham Curls - 5x5 @ Lvl 7

Calf Raise - 5x12 s/s 2 laps of stairs!

The warm up with front squats was good. I started off using a broom stick, then moved onto using a 20kg bar - mainly experimenting with my bar grip (arms crossed, elbows out, arms on top etc). I think there is definitely a place in week 3 training for very high rep front squats!

I don't have access to a sled at the moment - but would definitely like to add in some prowler pulls. The back door of my gym is next to (50m away) from an asphault running track so I may add in some sprints at some point. Ideally I would add in a dedicated sprinting session I think with very transferable drills to rugby. Such as sprints where you start laying on your stomach - to represent getting up after a tackle and persuing the ball.

Definitely time to do some thinking I think

Anyway, off to a BBQ as my brother got back from Afghan yesterday for his mid tour holiday. Time to enjoy the nice weather whilst its here. Before I know it ill be getting up in the dark to go to work, and coming home at night when it is dark

Very short update from me then.

Great session tonight ***8211; this was the first night of the new ***8220;push routine***8221;. It should have been ***8220;pull***8221; but I got into the gym and was waddling so badly from yesterdays leg session there was no way I was going to be able to Deads with good technique and plenty of plates! A cowboy didn't have anything on the waddle I have had today! I hope it eases off pretty soon!


Flat Bench - 5x5 @ 82.5kg
Inc DB Press - 5x6 @ 25kg
P-Press - 5x6 @ 40kg
Tri Dips ***8211; 5x6 @ Lvl 9

DB Press was quite humbling, I havn't done anything chest wise with DB's in a while ***8211; despite being able to lift a lot more with a BB this was a sweaty mess! I definitely enjoyed it though.

P-Press... I could have gone a lot heavier on, however I wanted to start light again to focus mainly on technique. In my mind, if I'm going to re-injure my back it will either be doing a P-Press, or it will be whilst squatting.... so i'm trying to set the foundations for success.

At some point this week I will get up a sample day of eating I think

Anyway ***8230; that's it.
