Ok, so here it is... in a rough form... very rough... potentially my next training cycle
Tried my best to get an even split; in terms of Legs, Push, Pull, and in terms of time spent in the gym. You'll notice that I've split shoulders over 2 sessions ; with one session focussing more on traps, and the other on lat's.
I think in week 3 I'll just cut away the Bi's / Tri's and work them as a session in their own right ; my lagging body part
I've scripted them in with the below sessions but will play it by how I feel that week.
Week 1 has less sets as i'll be having longer rest periods
other than that ; its pretty much as it appears.
Legs (wk 1) ; 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Squat 5x5
Leg Press (wide)
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (12-15 range)
Legs (wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Squat 5x5
Hack Squats
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (20-25 range)
Legs (wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Squat 5x5
Hack Squats
Ham Curls
Calf Raise (40+ range)
Pull (wk 1); 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Deadlift 5x5
Lat Pull Down - wide
Snatch Grip High Pull
EZ Curl
Pull (wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Deadlift 5x5
T Bar Row
Snatch Grip High Pull
Close Grip Pull Down
Hammer Curls
Pull (wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Deadlift 5x5
Bent Over Row s/s Seated Row
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Lat Raise s/s Shrugs
Cable Curls
Push (wk 1); 5 sets, 5-6 rep range
Bench 5x5
Inc DB Press
Push Press
Dips (Failure x3)
Push(wk 2); 4 sets, 10-12 rep range
Bench 5x5
Inc DB Press
DB Sh Press
French Press
Tri Ext.
Push(wk 3); 3 sets, 25+ rep range
Machine Hammer Press
Pec Dec / Push Up
Smith Machine Press
Tri Push Down
Tri Ext
Ow... and for what its worth, this youtube playlist is pretty good for checking out the Olympic Lifts if your unsure
Exercise Selection Link:
Exercise Instruction - YouTube
Chow for now