The GLUTAMINE PEPTIDE fact thread refined

No the stuff in the health food store would be different

hydrolosis brings about the benifits of the stuff and this is done through varuios ways.

each manufacturer has a proprietary process in treating their material

you can get "glutumine peptides"

from all sort of protiens if you put it under the right set of processes.

the stuff we have is the most potent I have tried

but you should try others just to make sure ;) :)
I have tried GP2 by sportsone and didn't get anything out of that. What is the difference between that product and yours?
this product differs form other GLUTAMINE PEPTIDES

First off the process of deriving glutamine peptides from a protien source is a proprietary process

we have ours and others have theirs

our differs in that
we have from 4-6% more not much but more =)

for a total of 31% peptide bound glutamine

our process differs in the end when the product is finally complete

the other manufacturers use a couple of methods for 3 goals in mind

ONE to eliminate the earthy flavor associated with glutamine peptides by spray drying the product under caustic conditions because they think consumers can't handle the natural taste
this point is irrelivant when you add to a flavored protien drink

we knew this and eliminated that traumatic stress to the product.

SECOND they BLEACH the product, yes BLEACH the product to get rid of the natural Tan color, again for another aesthetic reason they think customers prefer a lighter hue to their drink additives so they leach the color out of it...

just like the first process it abuses the glutamine peptides and puts it through stress that comprimises the integrity of the product.

THIRD the above processes also increase the shelf life of the product so it can sit in store shelves for years.
this enhances the bottom line of companies for they lose almost no product.$$

but at the same time the product is so INERT that its a waste for you to take it.

GPLENISH has a shelf life of a year and a batch is made every 2 months

your getting the fresh goods minus the unessessary stresses of other Glutamine Peptides


the best possible and most POTENT way to take them.....

take care bro, you will be pleasantly surprised =)

and thanks for the interest


Gplenish Generation 2

will be our next realease

it will be flavored and it will have two extra goodies in it =)

but thats later.........

TOMMORROW =):3some: :agreed: :3some: :agreed:

also CANADIANS it will be available next week so don't feel left out in the cold

(no pun intended);)
ok since the store is ready, I am just going to bump this thread occasionally for feedback puposes

thanks guys
hope you share your feedback with us

just remember take it for a week till ya do, though you will notice recovery right away.

its the other benifits like muscle fullness, and nitrogen retention that build up progressivley albeit much more quickly with GPLENISH than without it


heads up on mixing GPLENISH

The sweet spot for mixing GPLENISH seems to be 1:3 ( this coming from our customers)

oddly enough after a couple of times of taking GPLENISH our customers actually enjoy the added flavor and texture it gives to their shakes.
(again this coming from our customers)

by it self GPLENISH does not taste like chocolate cake lol, but when added in the ratios specified above, all should be fine.

since GPLENISH is so dense in protein already, I just mix 2 scoops of OPTMTIMUM, with 1 scoop of GPLENISH, and one banana.
about mixing GPLENISH
heres what to do.

1 just put it in the blender with your other items and blend



put it all you contents in a shaker bottle dry
with no liquid, and shake till all powdered items merge in to one another.

then add your chosen liquid and shake

then all should be fine.

the only thing about GPLENISH that is different is the mildley earthy flavor wich is just natural

and the fact that you have to mix it in the way explained above

after that your set.

just shake it dry with your other contents till it all merges and add liquid as desired
