The hockey trivia thread!

No one answered, had to look it up :

Glen Hanlon of Vancouver

What is the longest suspension ever given to an NHL player (who, what happened, and length)?
that's ok, i'm think mcsorley for bashing brashear in the back of the head, lifetime ban i think? but he never played in the nhl again, senn him on t.v last night doing some broadcasting. if that's not it somebody got nailed with 21 games but the name has yet to come to me.
Clint Malarchuk. Think it was in 88-89. Poor guy is extremely lucky he isn't dead.

Who's the only remaining Minnesota North Star in the NHL currently?
gretz also got 87 a couple years after that... but if it needs to be a diff player brett hull scored 86 goals, it was in early
90's i cant remember that exact year.
to answer your question Hella .

Brett Hull got 86 or 88 goals
Mario Lemieux got 88 too I think
Teemu Selanne got 76 goals on his rookie season
and the next one to hit 75-80 goals will be Ovechkin next year or in 2-3 years top. he would have beat his last season record of 65 goals this year if he wouldnt have been injured. He will still finish at around 55 goals.