The infamous d-bol only thread!


New member
3 weeks ago found out im goin to Cancun early Feb. Started liftin harder to look decent on the beach. Pulled out what i had left of my methandienone and started hittin just 20 mg. per day for the fuck of it. Im feeling great liftin harder and exploding in weight gain... Yeah d-bol only cycle is retarded but as long as it lasts for a week in cancun i could care less what i keep. Ill be gettin a nice pump in every morning while im there also.. Just wanted to say that a d-bol only cycle has its rare benefits and 20 mg a day is all it took for me. Im using UG jz pharm anahexia the shit is amazing
i've tried the d-bol only thing as well...not exactly by choice.
I was taking 40mg though. D-bol for sure has to be my fav. oral, but I'd much rather stack it with some test.
Enjoy your trip to Cancun.
seeing as how it's an oral and will leave the system fast, aren't you worried about sides you might notice in cancun...never touched dbol myself, just curious?
i'm very curious to see how much u gain and how much you will loose after, please keep us updated.
At such a low dose plus i'll even lower it more the week before im not worried about sides. I'll def. keep you updated. Im not really expecting any more gains due to a broken hand i just recieved last night at my local bar. Hopefully i can find a way to grip a bar to even lift! I've tried a d-bol only cycle in the past and kept around ten pounds with the right PCT. Im sure i'll be able to keep the same this time if the hand heals quick
does this mean ul go from weighin 150lb 2 160 now!!

WOW the chicks will come frm everywhere to see an amazin body like that.

Dam ur lucky bro

Hahaha wtf has happened to this board

^^haterssssss lol jp looking forward to seeing whats gained and kept after pct. been reading alot of these dbol only threads latly and ive seen quite a few ppl gain good and hold alot of it there afterwards... but ide say sum test e with it would surfice
Hi guys

I want to make sure that is this cycle good:-

Dianabol 5mg/day , 1hour before workout (With no anti-estrogens)(It is kind a like adding some more to my natural testosterone.)but i am consuming cabbage like a beast, as it can kill the estrogens!!!

Although i can see extreme pumps but i am still afraid of any possible side effects EVEN AT SUCH LOW DOSE????
A little help please!!
I would save the dbol bro..........if ur going to run an oral only i'd do tbol and or anavar for 8 weeks. 5mg dbol is a waste, hell just run a prohormone like m-drol or p-plex, ull be much happier. Save the dbol for a kickstart to a test cycle.
LMFAO!!!! 5MG DBOL??!!! are u fucking serious bro???? my 7 yr old son takes more than that!! lol, that is a compleate waste, there is no point to take dbol unless u take at least 30-50 mg along wit some other ish.. 5mg??!!!!!!
i took 50mg day bd dbol for about 10 weeks just for fun i gained roughly 12 pounds and lost about 7 within the first 2 weeks of being off it...........also had some sexual side effects that called for viagra ......never again
DBOL FOR 10 WEEKS???? wow this thread is full of trolls or just people that don't give a fuck about their bodies.
i did dbol for 4 weeks at 40mg, was supposed to be with test e, but the gear was bunk. so it was fucked.

I had no sex drive, fucked up liver and real low test lvls. I did gain 5 - 6kgs and a lot of strength. i have prob kepted about 4 kgs and maybe half of what a gained in strength.

wouldnt run dbol by its self on purpose! thats stupid. run some Anavar if u wanna run an oral only.
Hi guys

I want to make sure that is this cycle good:-

Dianabol 5mg/day , 1hour before workout (With no anti-estrogens)(It is kind a like adding some more to my natural testosterone.)but i am consuming cabbage like a beast, as it can kill the estrogens!!!

Although i can see extreme pumps but i am still afraid of any possible side effects EVEN AT SUCH LOW DOSE????
A little help please!!

haha the only side effects youre gonna get are 1 a lowered natural test level as youre supplementing with exogenous Test. and 2 a lot of gas!! oh and 3:absolutely no gains
i did dbol for 4 weeks at 40mg, was supposed to be with test e, but the gear was bunk. so it was fucked.

I had no sex drive, fucked up liver and real low test lvls. I did gain 5 - 6kgs and a lot of strength. i have prob kepted about 4 kgs and maybe half of what a gained in strength.

wouldnt run dbol by its self on purpose! thats stupid. run some Anavar if u wanna run an oral only.

you gained 5-6 kg(lean mass?), a lot of strength in measely 4 weeks and kept almomst all of your weightgains and half your strength gains and YET YOU CLAIM THE GEARS WAS BUNK!!!!??? YOur so full of shit man
Mate you are 2 years late on this post. The test was fake not te dbol. The dbol was awesome blue hearts they where. I didn't say lean mass, most of your gains with dbol ate water retention. Which is what most of it was. I had to bust my ass to hold 3 - 4 kgs of the gains and Shut your mouth calling me Full of shit.
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