The Magic Pill...Are You ready?


Community Veteran
I am well aware that my position on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use is not the popular one here. This is evident by the advice given many people in many of the threads I read. Here is a little post I wrote a few months ago after reading and answering countless questions regarding use by some very young guys. It was also on the heels of a string of deaths in the BB community.

I cut much of this thing up, and the "guidelines" section is severely lacking, but it is at least a start. Here you go.

If you don’t want your toes stepped on, stop reading now. If you are concerned about your own personal health and well being, please continue reading. I initially intended this for the new folks, but I think that some of the more seasoned should read it and evaluate their own situation as well.

Steroids are NOT the magic pill. Steroids are not a crutch for poor training and poor diet. Steroids are not the way to instant gratification for those who want to skip the hard work and go straight to the glory.

Will steroids help you if your diet and training are not right…yes they can. Can they also hurt you later on because of your choice to day…you better believe it!

For you new folks who are researching info on using steroids, congratulations! You are taking a very important step by reading. I hope that you will think very seriously about the consequences of your actions before proceeding.
I have some guidelines here that are just things I feel, they are not set in stone.
If you have been training (I mean seriously training…like you are obsessed) for less than 5 years, skip steroids. You still have a lot to learn about your body. It is doubtful that you truly know what works for you and what doesn’t. I also doubt that you have a grasp on just how far you can push without overtraining.

If you have not been actively reading and experimenting with every aspect of your diet for the last couple of years, you are not ready. Steroids will not patch holes in your diet.

If you are under 25 years old, YOU ARE TOO YOUNG! I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think. The simple fact that your endocrine system is not fully developed until your mid to late 20’s should be enough support for my reasoning. Why screw it up before it is complete?

Look at your height to weight ratio. If you are 6 feet tall and weigh 185, you need to eat…not inject.
There are consequences related to each of your actions.

In our little online community, we get so caught up in fighting the media’s representation of steroids that we tend to lose site of the truth. The truth is that using steroids the way most of us do can be hazardous to your health. I don’t mean that you can expect to look down and find your liver in the toilet one day, but there are ways that our use is detrimental. For those of us who are borderline low on endogenous testosterone, one cycle with perfect post cycle therapy (pct) can shake your system enough that you are stuck with HRT for the rest of your life. Doesn’t sound bad to you? Think about it…a shot a week for the rest of your life, or as long as you care about the beneficial aspects of testosterone. This is probably the weakest of the long term problems that I can imagine. How many people in our community need to die from complications resulting from their “supplementation” schedules before we wise up and take a step back? There is no need to name individuals, but recently we have seen several people die as a result of complications that arose from this lifestyle. Is it worth killing yourself?

Stop and think about the people in your life who will have to take care of you later in life, as a result of a stupid move on your part right now. Do you have kids? If you do and you are not paying close attention to your blood panels and to every single reaction by your body, then you are lost my friend….you have a problem you need to address.

It seems that we are so eager to take the short cut and use more and more gear, instead of pushing one more rep or eating one more fork full. How many times have you rushed to get your shot, but later rushed through a workout because of something else you need to do? How about rushing through a meal because of something you have to do, but getting up 20 minutes early so you can go through your morning shot routine? Your priorities are screwed up!

We have gotten away from erring on the side of safety, and are pushing our limits of use. Do you see the problem with this? If you err on the side of safety and you are wrong, nothing bad happens. If you push your limits and are wrong…you find yourself in the hospital hoping all will be okay.

I am growing very weary of all of the folks jumping on gear so early and running insane doses so fast, that I felt I had to write something in hopes that it might slow some people down.

Why am I all of a sudden thinking about this?
I WAS WRONG! I had not tuned my diet before starting gear. I knew nothing about diet, even though I thought I did. I had not tried every program I should have in the gym. I was not growing because I was overtraining. I ramped up the doses too high, too early. I tried too many compounds too early, because I wanted to learn.
What has this cost me? I will be on HRT forever. I now have my body and mind thinking I need tons of gear to grow. I have steroid related injuries. I have tons of scar tissue, not to mention a couple of injection related infections. My lipids are out of whack. I have to get bloodwork regularily. I now run way more gear than I should have to. You know what…I AM LUCKY that there is nothing worse.
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so what your basically saying is __________ steroids?
I am sorry to hear about the hardships that came with your poor decisions. Maybe more people would listen to what you have to say if you could come across a little less preachy. After reading I get the image of a bitter man instead of someone who wants to help others.
Winchester said:
so what your basically saying is __________ steroids?

Nope, although I am coming off a bit harsh towards their use. I am guilty of making mistakes concerning their use and this was written in response to a mindset that I see on the boards all too often, which reminds me of the one I had.

I just want those involved to be much more mindful of their actions and to be much more well read. It's so easy to get caught up in the whole "do this drug to make this happen" thing that we tend to get sidetracked. This was meant to be a bit of a speed bump.

I am sorry to hear about the hardships that came with your poor decisions. Maybe more people would listen to what you have to say if you could come across a little less preachy. After reading I get the image of a bitter man instead of someone who wants to help others.

Odd. Bitter? I think that is the first time I have ever been accussed of being bitter in my life, so it is a bit funny to me. Preachy...yes, sometimes I certainly can be! However, when a person's toes are getting stepped on, isn't it funny how they immediately find fault with something about the one doing the stepping?
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Swellin said:
Nope, although I am coming off a bit harsh towards their use. I am guilty of making mistakes concerning their use and this was written in response to a mindset that I see on the boards all too often, which reminds me of the one I had.

I just want those involved to be much more mindful of their actions and to be much more well read. It's so easy to get caught up in the whole "do this drug to make this happen" thing that we tend to get sidetracked. This was meant to be a bit of a speed bump.

Ahh yes. I agree with what your saying as far as that goes. I dont think your alone on your thoughts, lots of people on here have that same outlook as far as deciding whether or not to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and to what extent.
You weren't offending me or stepping on my toes, but you knew you might piss off some people so you took a a very agressive tone, which will turn people off no matter what you are writing about.

I would be interested to hear some more about the negative affects of steroid use on the endocrine system as I am only 20 and considering using.
LiftTillIDie said:
You weren't offending me or stepping on my toes, but you knew you might piss off some people so you took a a very agressive tone, which will turn people off no matter what you are writing about.

I would be interested to hear some more about the negative affects of steroid use on the endocrine system as I am only 20 and considering using.

There was actually some humor meant in what I said, as I said that last part kind of tongue in cheek. You pointing out something about the post, to which I responded. Oh well, looks like I was not nearly as obvious with that as I thought.

As for the information about the endocrine system, let me see if I can find a post where I replied to a friend about what all that entails.

Are you familiar with all of the actions of the endocrine system? I am certain that you understand how throwing hormones at a developing system can throw things out of whack permanently. By tricking your body in this way while it is forming some of the most complex systems, it can trick your body into halting production of your natural hormones at a time when these very hormones are needed for your own development.

That's about the gist of it, along with all of the info on the endocrine system itself, and a couple of articles I found. If I can locate that post, I will start a new thread. If not, I will have to sit here in front of the comp for a while and research that stuff again. Be patient, it might take a bit as I will be busy tomorrow.
Very good post. Unfortunately, most guys are so impatient that they will sacrifice their longterm health and size/strength for quick results. But maybe a few will read and understand.
I totally agree with what you are saying,I am 32 yrs old and have done several cycles in the last 5 years.I got so caught up into planning the "next big cycle"that I never stopped to think about what I was doing to myself.Anymore I am just happy to stay in shape and do very small cycles,my last cycle was only 1cc of omnadren a week for 8 weeks,and I was very happy with that,those are the kind of doses I will be doing from now on.If I could turn back time I probably wouldn't have done half the gear I did in the past,I am sure anyone who stay's in this game long enough will feel the same way eventually.I am not bashing gear use,I am just saying that some of these crazy cycles people are doing is totally unnecessary.
Very educational post bro...Thank you for sharing your experances. I am new to this and I needed to be reminded of something other than the shot.
awesome fucking post! i'm only 19 and i'm running 500mg of sust per week and started with 60mg d-bol/day... training for hockey and rugby at high levels... and these kind of posts make people think twice as to how important sacrificing your health is for things like that or for no reason at all... there should be more posts like this!
Read the HBO post, and get some common sense.

or even better, Pick up the steroid bible.

any substance can be abused man.. You really need to take things seriously.. Some kids never will, Some men on the other hand understand the science.
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