the matrix principle, any good?


New member
is thie matrix principle by DR Ronald Lara all it's cracked up to be or is it a load of bollocks, should i give it a try or should i give it the elbow.
your time and opinion will be much appreciated.

wow thats a blast from the past. I used to have a friend that swore by it but I think it never realy got popular as it is not all it is cracked up to be.
Is that the 'Power Matrix' routine?

If so I ran it before and although there are allot of sets in it I found it very effective at adding weight to my major lifts.
the matrix principle is a routine that consists of as many half reps as full reps e.g
CHEST sequence a
bench press: 5 full reps
5 half up
5 half down
5 full reps


dumbell flyes: 12 full reps


incline press: 5 full reps
5 half up
5 half down
5 full reps

3 min rest
sequence b
dumbell flyes: 5 full reps, 5 half up, 5 half down, 5 full reps

20 seconds rest

incline press: 12 full reps

30 seconds rest

bench press: 5 full reps, 5 half up, 5 half down, 5 full reps

3 min rest

sequence c

incline press: 5 full reps,5 half up, 5 half down, 5 full reps

20 seconds rest

bench press: 12 full reps

40 seconds rest

dumbell flyes: 5 full reps, 5 half up, 5 half down, 5 full reps.

i'm not sure if it's the same as the power matrix routine, i think i'll give it a go and let you fellas know how i get on.

No that is not the Power Matrix routine. PM routine focused on the 3 powerlifts working up to 3 sets of 1 and a back off set of 5 using a predetermined weight increase each workout.