The never ending H-Drol question


New member
So let me start by background on myself, I am 28yrs old, 6'4 230lbs (dont want to go much lower) I am pretty athletic I play both ice & roller hockey, bodyboard, snowboard and ride motorcycles. I am not looking to get bodybuilder huge (im pretty big guy as it is) but I want to cut up some more. I tried my first PH a few months ago I used the Primordial Performance 1-T Tren XTreme Muscle Stack (bought it before Jan 1st with the Tren ban) I used to go to the gym 5x a week and workout pretty hard until I broke my collar bone in March 09 and rebroke it Jan 1st 2010 (both times snowboarding needless to say I am done with that sport!!)

I took a long break from the gym and hit almost 250lbs!! I finally am back in the gym since March 2010 been hitting pretty consistent 5x a week 1-1.5hrs a day. My Tren cycle worked great it helped me get back to where I left off pre-injury and some it was quite nice. Now I am looking to try the H-Drol. I have been researching for about 2-3 weeks now and made a purchase and need some suggestions

I bought

1 x CEL HDrol (60 x 25mg tabs)
1 x CEL Cycle Assist (240 tabs, directions say 4x a day)
1 x Swanson Milk Thistle (100 x 500mg tabs)

I am still figuring out my PCT and I really am at a loss, so many people say so many different things I have a couple weeks to research on that (though any suggestions are greatly appreciated) I was thinking Novedex XT w/ the Milk Thistle??

I was thinking of going 25/50/50/50/50 with the HDrol & 4 x day of the CEL Cycle Assist starting 1 week before my cycle. I was going to take the Milk Thistle 2 weeks before my cycle, stop once I start and take it during 4 weeks of PCT with whatever else I decide. I am reading where some people say for a guy my size I should 50/75/75/75/75 on the HDrol, what do you think? I even see some people mentioning a Test booster while on cycle, any thoughts?

Also during this cycle I want to bump up my cardio to really get lean from this. Any suggestions against that? When is the best time to take the HDrol? 1 in the morning & 1 w/ dinner? I usually work out about 10pm-midnight

I have been using Jack3d and just finished my 2nd bottle I think I am going to lay off PWO during the HDrol cycle

Anyways sorry to ramble. I guess I am just curious about dosage (if I should up to 75mg) and any suggestions on PCT, but any comments suggestions appreciated!

Thanks guys!
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definitely up the dosage. I did 50/75/75/75/75 and saw great results. You're gonna need another bottle. Add some taurine for the backpumps and get some nolva NOT novedex xt for PCT. Also a natty test booster and cortisol blocker for post cycle therapy (pct) wont hurt either...
definitely up the dosage. I did 50/75/75/75/75 and saw great results. You're gonna need another bottle. Add some taurine for the backpumps and get some nolva NOT novedex xt for post cycle therapy (pct). Also a natty test booster and cortisol blocker for post cycle therapy (pct) wont hurt either...

When should I be taking my Cycle Assist, same time I take the HDrol or do I space it out?
Not sure if it affects your gains, but I took it in between doses of the Hdrol. Not really sure, you may want to do some research on the that.