The skinny on Rhabdomyolysis

Super Bad ass

New member
Just got out of the ER with a CPK of 2000.. Im on a rather heavy cycle of Sus,Deca,Tren,hgh.. 750sus,600Deca,450tren,3iu 5days a week.. I'm also taking creatine before and after training.. anyone had this and what effect did it have on you..My kidney functions are fine but I'm wondering if this will get worse if i keep training on the gear.. Im also hitting the Y3T pretty hard so my training is intense.. Im 212lbs and 43 years old..
CPK of 2000 is very high, but how do you know you have rhabdomyolysis? Any myoglobin in your urine? Are you also taking a statin?
Kind of doubt you have any sort of chronic rhabdomyolysis. But, you can get very acute bouts of muscle breakdown from extreme over training, and I do mean extreme (hours and hours and hours). Best I can tell AAS and related supplements do not contribute. And to make this a serious disease situation you would have to be overtraining daily, at an intensity that would be essentially impossible. So, if you are not taking statins or amphetamines (or antipsychotics), then you should be in the clear. I ran a marathon last year and I pissed brown from all the myoglobin from the muscle breakdown, but before it would be a concern I would have to be running a marathon a day for like weeks and weeks (basically impossible).
I have pretty much been following Y3T with rest days included.. I have jacked up the intensity this year with about 12lbs of solid gains.. Thats why i was rather surprised with the rhabdo diagnosis.. However even after getting a clean bill back on kidney function i now have slight pain in my left mid back area.. Taking a few weeks off in jan to rest and get everything checked out. Thanks for the input.. just got a bit scared when first doc said I'm a very lucky man to be alive, then other doc said she has seen much higher levels...
Glad to hear to probably is nothing to much to worry about, but taking a little time off as well to get tested again is a good idea.