The ussual Tren Ace/Test Prop cycle


New member
Hey guys,so I've been a cyclist for few years and you can tell that i'm skinny right now,so I decided to put on some lean muscle,no water.
I want to ask you if I take 76mg of tren EOD and 100mg test EOD for 8 weeks,is it going to be some nice effect or what.
I'm 68kg,180cm tall.

These are my first steps in the gym,thank you guys in advance :)
my cycle history is cycles with low doses of test p (around 100mg per week),winstrol and boldenone (for enurance),EPO also.
Can I start with tren and will the gains be qualitative ?
can you juuuust tell me will tren ace and test prop will do some work for me and what I can expect with good diet ?
If you run EPO and tren, you will die.
If you run tren, you will lose all your endurance. Tren is great for explosive strength, but destroys stamina/endurance.
Personally, I would pin prop and ace ed since they are short esters, but many people say eod is okay.
Your dose of tren is a little low to be effective.
Your dose of test is probably a little low, too. Many people will tell you to run test lower than tren (although, that's not my experience).
As previously mentioned, 5'10" and 150lbs? Do you have a tapeworm?

Personally I run test at 1.5x tren, so that'd be something like 525 test / 350 tren for a beginner tren cycle. Next time out though I'm probably going to reverse that.

Anyways, you have other issues than what doses to run.
couch, I haven't told anywhere that I'll be running both EPO and tren.
They just wanted my steroid history and I told what I've been using 6 months ago :)
Can someone tell me if 76mg tren EOD and 100mg test prop will be result for some LEAN mass ?
my question is will there be serious gains or not ? that's all. I know how strong tren is.

lmfao. first you know how strong tren is, now youre asking if it will give lean mass. wtf?

cant wait for your post a few months down the road.. "help, no libido, gyno, depressed, losing all muscle, what do?"