Thermorexin sides


New member
Anyone who used t-rex experience the following:

Bad headaches.
Heartburn (mainly at night).
Mild acne.

jj23 said:
Anyone who used t-rex experience the following:

Bad headaches.
Heartburn (mainly at night).
Mild acne.


I only experiened major shakes, eupohoria:D. sweats, and most of all -nausea
BTW - are you running anything else, or on any OTC stuff, or prescribed drugs for anxiety, depression, etc

did you have heart burn prior to thermorexin?
Nah, no other meds.

So let me ask you:

1. Did it work for you?
2. How many a day did you take?
jj23 said:
Nah, no other meds.

So let me ask you:

1. Did it work for you?
2. How many a day did you take?

I tried it last spring while I was in nursing school... big mistake. THe sides (for me) were dangerous because I needed to be focused for the work I was doing.

At first, I took one cap which gave me major sides. So I started to take half a cap by just pouring the stuff in a drink and drinking it (at about 7am) then by the time the effects wore off bit (usually about 12 noon), I would take the other half.

Once the sides would start seizing even if I took a whole cap, I would take 2 days off and then start at .5 cap again with the effects back in full force.

Its just trial and error IMO. The effects prbably wont be as bad for you. I am sensitive to caffeine and all stimulants for that matter ;)
BTW, if you are eating clean, and lifting........ themorexin will work!!
Are you just cutting now, what are your goals anyway? and stats?
HAHAH, I jsut remembered something. On one of my evaluations for school, my teacher wrote:

"students needs to seek medical attention of lack of concentration"

ahha, I told her I wasn't sleeping properly!!
I get bad headaches if I take it without food. Otherwise it seems to work fine. However, if I take a cap w/o food and stare at the computer screen (work/home/etc.) my head feels like it's gonna burst.

But it seems to work.
This heartburn is more like a pain in my chest, rather than the reflux type symptom associated with HB. Just took my BP, seems normal. Maybe I'll cut back to 2 a day instead of 4.
I just started thermorexin today, took 1 cap at 4pm. Work out was insane! My whole back and shoulders are so sore:D.

I worked nights and nausea lasted till 4am - so 12 hours!! this seems ridiculous doesn't it?

Anyone ever take it before going to sleep (like biggie and clen)?? Would it work just as well (besides missing the best workouts of my life)?? :p

Thanks, jj23, keep us posted about the sides...
I admit workouts are much more intense, especially on 2 caps. I find though that by about 5pm (after my 4th) I get that dreaded high BP feeling - you know, back of neck seems tingly, arms feel tense yet my BP is normal, if a little below normal. Thing is, I've yet to lose any weight and am consuming carbs only in the morning (none this morning actually). Glucorell R coming today, will stack it with that and will report back with my results.
How long have you been running it? maybe it would be a good idea to go 2 days on, 1 day off.. thats how I do it - once the sides start to tapper off a bit, I take a day off and back on next the sides are kicking it full again... maybe that will help you, or try playing with the diet
Been stacking it with Glucorell the last few days. Have not lost any weight, in fact I was up .5lb this morning since starting about 10 days ago. Thing is, I don't know if it's me or not but since taking Glucorell I have been a lot more tired and workouts have not been intense.