Hey guys, I'm about to start my first cycle using 500mg for 12 weeks of test e. I was hooked up with the gear through a work friend and he was trying to "help" with the plan. This is a txt from him and I'm a little concerned with his choice of Letrozole and nolva throughout the cycle. According to so many archived threads on here it's not a good idea, am I being set up for failure? (I wanted extra of everything in case I want to do another one down the road.)
Here's the txt:
Hey bud just just putting together your order. Here is what I have
4 ******* labs test enathante
2 hcg 5000 iu bottles novo pharmaceutical
( because you are going to take this cycle out to 12 weeks you need a larger hcg post , post cycle. So you will run this at 1000 iu ED for 10 days prior to your Nova PCT.
2 ******* labs ferma (letrozol)
Take 1/2 tab EOD while on cycle
3 ******* labs novedex
Take one 20mg tab ED while on cycle (this is a insurance policy)
Then start 5 weeks PCT
this is a week longer than standard PCT but 12 weeks is a super sized cycle especially for a first one so extra precautions should be taken.
WK 1 40mg Nova ED
WK 2 40mg Nova ED
WK 3 40mg Nova ED
WK 4 20mg Nova ED
WK 5 20mg Nova ED
Here's the txt:
Hey bud just just putting together your order. Here is what I have
4 ******* labs test enathante
2 hcg 5000 iu bottles novo pharmaceutical
( because you are going to take this cycle out to 12 weeks you need a larger hcg post , post cycle. So you will run this at 1000 iu ED for 10 days prior to your Nova PCT.
2 ******* labs ferma (letrozol)
Take 1/2 tab EOD while on cycle
3 ******* labs novedex
Take one 20mg tab ED while on cycle (this is a insurance policy)
Then start 5 weeks PCT
this is a week longer than standard PCT but 12 weeks is a super sized cycle especially for a first one so extra precautions should be taken.
WK 1 40mg Nova ED
WK 2 40mg Nova ED
WK 3 40mg Nova ED
WK 4 20mg Nova ED
WK 5 20mg Nova ED