Thinking about running EPI, need input.


New member
I'm 21 almost 22. I'm currently 6' 186 lbs, sub 10% BF. I've been lifting seriously 2 years. I am a collegiate athlete (water polo) and I want to gain more mass to be able to compete better next spring. I have Epi-Strong on hand.
I was planning on running it like this for 4 weeks.
Day 1-3:15mg ED
Day 4-28:30mg ED
Running Cycle Support while on, plus the basic multi/fish oil/taurine for back pumps.
Then running 20mg/ed Nolva weeks 4-8.

Am I missing anything? I'm not going to do this if you guys think I'm not ready.
I don't know much about water polo or training for swimming type sports but in some cases (I believe endurance swimming) added muscle mass is not a good thing. You want strength not muscle mass.

This is because of the density of muscles, the amount of oxygen needed to fuel those muscles, and the resistance you have in the water (bigger muscles = more resistance) but like I said I'm no expert.
haha with bigger muscles you will throw so hard you will put away for murder. bigger muscles mean more power, more explosive strenth, you want to make sure that you make everyone run away in fear do the cycle.
as long as you do everything, to ensure your health is protected while your on cycle and you have full understanding of it it should be fine, eat clean and alot and drink loads.
lol your stats are exactly the same as mine including the age
I feel pretty underweight for college, in high school I was one of the bigger guys. Most guys here have 10-20 lbs on me. I'm just trying to add 10 lbs of lean mass, swimming is not a problem and has always been my strong point. My arm is one of the stronger in my conference as well. The problem I run into is getting muscled by the bigger guys I have to defend.

You are better off running the real thing.

I have access to Dbol/Test E. I've been thinking of running that, but the problem is this is my first cycle and I don't know how my body would respond. I wanted to start kind of mild.
I have access to Dbol/Test E. I've been thinking of running that, but the problem is this is my first cycle and I don't know how my body would respond. I wanted to start kind of mild.

For your first cycle just run test-e. You can gain 10lbs of lean muscle running 400mg/week for 12weeks. @400mg/ week you will get very minimal sides. Testosterone is better than any ph in terms of results vs side effects and all you would need is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle and a SERM for pct...
I'm 21 almost 22. I'm currently 6' 186 lbs, sub 10% BF. I've been lifting seriously 2 years. I am a collegiate athlete (water polo) and I want to gain more mass to be able to compete better next spring. I have Epi-Strong on hand.
I was planning on running it like this for 4 weeks.
Day 1-3:15mg ED
Day 4-28:30mg ED
Running Cycle Support while on, plus the basic multi/fish oil/taurine for back pumps.
Then running 20mg/ed Nolva weeks 4-8.

Am I missing anything? I'm not going to do this if you guys think I'm not ready.

Well, I don't feel you should be touching Epi until you are 25 years old, but I am not going to sit here and sound like a dad to you as your mind is already set. 15-30 mg is worthless IMO. If you are going to run it then run it like this 30/30/45/45...I have personally ran a 6 week Epi cycle and maxed out at 60 mg for the last 3 weeks of the cycle with nice results. I am not a fan of Nolva at all, as I use a more holistic approach or use Torem 90/60/60/30. For cycle support you should also use a liver supplement, also a good test base for an Epi cycle is RS Transderm or Dermacrine...and front load either 2 weeks prior to starting Epi. Also, Forma Stanzol or Formeron is great for estro sides, and DAA for post cycle therapy (pct) is good also at 3 grams ED. If you like PM me if anymore questions, but get everything in hand before you start any cycle.
Well, I don't feel you should be touching Epi until you are 25 years old, but I am not going to sit here and sound like a dad to you as your mind is already set. 15-30 mg is worthless IMO. If you are going to run it then run it like this 30/30/45/45...I have personally ran a 6 week Epi cycle and maxed out at 60 mg for the last 3 weeks of the cycle with nice results. I am not a fan of Nolva at all, as I use a more holistic approach or use Torem 90/60/60/30. For cycle support you should also use a liver supplement, also a good test base for an Epi cycle is RS Transderm or Dermacrine...and front load either 2 weeks prior to starting Epi. Also, Forma Stanzol or Formeron is great for estro sides, and DAA for PCT is good also at 3 grams ED. If you like PM me if anymore questions, but get everything in hand before you start any cycle.

This is exactly why I posted here brah. Just wanted input. I'll up the dosage if I do decide to run EPI. I'll definitely pick up all the stuff you recommended as well. Money is not an issue, safety on cycle is. But now I'm curious about running Test E, and just giving this bottle to one of my friends.
I would not recommend it until you are older, as stated, and I would also not recommend EPI as a first cycle either way. Also, it can take 3-4 weeks to kick in for some people, so if you were going to run it, you'd have to run a couple more weeks anyway. Epi is hard on the joints, so your shoulders might hurt from swimming and your knees might hurt from eggbeater. I would probably not run anything before 25, but it's your call. Try a natural test booster like DAA or Intimidate (NMDA) before you go to a PH.

If you are drug tested, you will want to avoid PHs anyway, because they will likely cause you to fail.
I would not recommend it until you are older, as stated, and I would also not recommend EPI as a first cycle either way. Also, it can take 3-4 weeks to kick in for some people, so if you were going to run it, you'd have to run a couple more weeks anyway. Epi is hard on the joints, so your shoulders might hurt from swimming and your knees might hurt from eggbeater. I would probably not run anything before 25, but it's your call. Try a natural test booster like DAA or Intimidate (NMDA) before you go to a PH.

If you are drug tested, you will want to avoid PHs anyway, because they will likely cause you to fail.

I appreciate it man. I don't get drug tested until winter starts, so cycling during summer where I'm just doing light training sounded ideal. I might just hold off since people are saying I'm too young.
I appreciate it man. I don't get drug tested until winter starts, so cycling during summer where I'm just doing light training sounded ideal. I might just hold off since people are saying I'm too young.

Very smart idea, we can put together a nice natty cycle for you here that has natural test boosting affects, and tweak your nutrition so that you are maximizing your muscle building every workout...I'm sure your natural test levels are up in the 800 range anyway, plenty for a kid like you to be able to build muscle without use of hormonal products. Proud of you bro, first part of being an active member on these forums is to listen to others who have been in the game we are here to look out for your health and longevity in this lifestyle!
Very smart idea, we can put together a nice natty cycle for you here that has natural test boosting affects, and tweak your nutrition so that you are maximizing your muscle building every workout...I'm sure your natural test levels are up in the 800 range anyway, plenty for a kid like you to be able to build muscle without use of hormonal products. Proud of you bro, first part of being an active member on these forums is to listen to others who have been in the game we are here to look out for your health and longevity in this lifestyle!
Any help is greatly appreciated man. And I have decided not to hop on cycle, and just play it out naturally. Maybe I'll cycle when I'm older, but for now I'll stick with the basics and just bulk through the summer. Thank you to everyone in this thread for the advice!