thinking about trying a sarm but know nothing about them. Please help need more infor

LGD-4033 would be the closest sarm to a good test cycle. LGD will pack on the mass for sure. Osta i like to compare to something like Tbol. It gives nice steady, quality gains of 3-8 lbs (in my experience) depending on diet. S4 i'd compare to a moderate dose of anavar. Not a whole lot of mass, but it hardens and cuts like no other. The thing about sarms is that all the weight gain is quality muscle. There's no extra water weight like AAS so you know every pound you put on is quality muscle.

I recommend still running a PCT after a SARMS cycle. Osta and S4 are mildly suppressive to your hpta, but i still recommend pct just as a boost to get back to baseline. LGD will shut you down just like AAS so definitely run a pct afterwords.

What PCT would you suggest for an S4/LGD only cycle?
The best part about being on TRT is that I never have to worry about shutting myself down or what to use for a PCT. Yes, I am a silver lining kind of guy. :)
Thanks psizzle. was thinking HCGenerate, Unleashed and Post Cycle. Just ordered the LGD and S4 from SS last night, awesome discount BTW! I will be finishing a log I started here 4 months ago, well starting over that is, now that I can dial my diet in as I am not traveling everyday. OH going to add some DAA in there too, I have a full bottle from MR supps I have opened yet from a very old order, thank you again
Thanks psizzle. was thinking HCGenerate, Unleashed and Post Cycle. Just ordered the LGD and S4 from SS last night, awesome discount BTW! I will be finishing a log I started here 4 months ago, well starting over that is, now that I can dial my diet in as I am not traveling everyday. OH going to add some DAA in there too, I have a full bottle from MR supps I have opened yet from a very old order, thank you again

So you're gonna pct then start the log over? How long has it been since your last dose