Thinking of using Lutalyse and/or PGF2A?

I went 5x a day. Felt like Minced Dog Shit. I did get a good portion of my classwork done in the Roadhouse Outhouse. My injection sites throbed!! I mean hardcore, almost taking the Lord's name in vain throb. Ok maybe i did once or twice (fogive me God, lol). The worst was that feeling in my lungs. Overall, little fat loss, and I also got screwed up on my ab injection schedule, and now my lower left ab is slightly slimmer than my lower right ab. DNP was much better for fat loss, although it may not be painful, Im pretty sure you cant die from PGF2. Although sometimes i wish i would have.
RoadHouse said:
I went 5x a day ... Im pretty sure you cant die from PGF2. Although sometimes i wish i would have.

:p lol, how much were injecting at a time (and SubQ or IM)?
AustinTX said:
The stuff filters out so fast, I really doubt it cold kill you except under some extraordinary circumstances.
The only people I've ever read mentioning that as a posibility are the T-Mag types that then go on to push their weight loss supplement.

I'll go ahead and retract that bit after a discussion with someone over at EF who passed out cold after hitting a vein.

You have to do a lot of research on this stuff and not take it lightly or as a miracle cure for fat loss or muscle growth w/o using steroids. PGF2-alpha hits all of your smooth muscles. The sphincter we've already discussed :), but your heart and eyes get included in that too.
I used it, and I didnt think the sides were that bad. I tried it IM a few times , that hurt pretty bad, but only for about 30 minutes. Mostly I used it sub Q. I usually (but not always)had to run once to the bathroom about 15 minutes afterwards.

I used it about 3 times a day. .5 ccs a time, in 2 seperate locations ( so a total of 2 shots 3 times a day).

After shooting I usually felt a little crappy for about 30 minutes, but not bad enough where I couldnt go straight to the gym. I usually would wait 30 minutes anyway in case I had to run to the bathroom.

As far as the results. I cant really say. I was dieting, ran some clen, and ECA, but I did cut up very nicely.

ANyway I didnt think the sides where that bad, but everyones different.
Some guy over on EF said that he had internal bleeding, and blood in his stool from using Pgf2. The thread was on the first page, so it shouldnt be to hard to find if you want to talk to the guy.

Capricorn_Mike said:
Does anyone know why Pgf2 would cause internal bleeding after extreme use?

-Influence the elasticity of blood vessels
-Direct the functioning of blood platelets that help stop bleeding
-Regulate numerous other activities in the body
-Prostaglandins also play a major role in the imflammatory processes.

By blocking the activity OR fascilitating the activity of prostaglandins, blood platelets aggregation (clotting) will be effected either locally (at the site of a wound) or potentially anywhere else in the body.

Here's a good read...
Thanks for the info DR.

And for another question - So theres no way to keep this from happening when using Pgf2?

Prostaglandins/eicosanoids are all part of a very delicate and complicated microsystem that serves as catalysts and mediators to many significant reactions at the cellular level!

It's JUST NOT WORTH IT to mess with these things bro!
This is the first im reading about this. Never heard of it before, so i have some questions.

Can someone put in simple terms exactly how it causes site muscle growth?

How is it so effective if its out of your body in 7 minutes?

Since it kills fat cells, i only carry fat around love handles and stomach(although i always have abs), if i used it on my entire stomach and love handle region the correct way would it give me PERMANENTLY ripped abs?
I'd like to know more about SC injections for fat loss. I tried it last year at .5cc at 2-3 times a day in lower back (love handle area), but didn't notice much of a difference.
can anyone point me in the right direction on where to get this stuff, lutalyse requires a prescription on every site... =(