Third cycle plan.....need opinions.


New member
Hello all.

This cycle will be my third, starting in 7 weeks, and been off of EVERYTHING for a good 7 months.
Stats: 5'7, 23 yrs old, 195 pounds, 11.3%fat.

Goals: in five months, (11 weeks natural training, and then 12 weeks on the cycle), I want to be around 210 to 215 pounds with no more than 8% fat and little water gain.

This is it.....

week 1 to 10> Omna eod(875mg pw)
week 1 to 10> deca (400mg pw)
week 1 to 6> Dbol (40mg pd)
week 1 to 12> t3 (20mcg pd)
week 1 to 14> femera (2.5mg eod)
week 7 to 12> Winstrol (winny) depot (50mg pd)
week 8 to 13> Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (500IU pd)
week 14 to 17> clomid 100 to 50mg pd

Does anyone here think my goals, based on my current stats and my cycle, are impossible to acheive

I do not believe Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will have any permeanant negative impact on natural lh levels, not at that low of a dose atleast?

I am using t3 at that low dose for two main reasons...#1to speed up the process of protien synthesis (faster nutrient delivery to muscle cells therefore quicker muscle gains....ya da ya da !!!)...#2 to stop or atleast minimize fat and water gains.

Food: I will be eating alot but clean (begining with 4000cals, going up weekly and ending with 5000 cals + begining with about 40%carbs, 35%pro, 25%fats ratio and ending with 30%carbs, 40%pro, 30%fats). so diet will be low to moderate carbs, very high proteins, and high unsaturated fats. Simple carbs will be only about 30% of total all times! I am going with these very specific numbers simply becasue of the personal experience I have had on how my body reacts to the quantity and the type of foods I am eat during a cycle).

Anything needs changing? Realistic goals?
bluewizz-- why not just use the dbol, Winstrol (winny), and get some Sustanon (sust). You will get the same results and with your pocket still full..
bigdelt69 said:
I agree. You could use half that gear and with the right diet still accomplish your goals.


Also, dont use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 5 weeks straight!

Take 500-1000ius every 4th day throughout. This will prevent the atrophy from ever setting in. This way you dont have to worry about reverting the shrinkage during the final weeks of your cycle.

Lower your doses....Change to a single ester to save money and get more free test.