third cycle , tren or deca


New member
Long story ill try to write it as short as i can and i hope you people read and give me some advices

Hello everyone, I am 29 years old 72 kg and 178 cm, Im going to start my third cycle and I need some advices please

My first cycle was 500 test enanthate a week for 8 weeks

My second cycle was deca 500 week-1-10 and test enanthate 750 week-1-12

I am planing to use tren in my third cycle and its the first time, i use tren so im planing to use
test enanthate 300 week-1-14
tren enanthate 600 week-1-10
Androle(oxymetholone) 100mg per day for 6 wks
I have nolva and aromasin for the pct.

The reason why I dont weight enough is or coz my steroid was not good (fake), and my diet was wrong and bad not eating enough.

I made blood work and everything is great, and now my diet is in check.

Diet is : morning at 8:00 am 3 eggs and 2 eggs white

at 12:00 200 grm chicken and potatos or 200 grm chicken and rice

at 15:00 whey shaked with 1 bowl of blueberry

at 19:00 200 grm of cow meat with potatos or rice

then i go to gym at 20:00

at 22:00 200 grm of salmon with salad

at 23:00 one whole avocado and one whole banana shaked together with milk
and im working on to make my diet better and better.

My goals is to gain mass and have good shape, like reaching 80 KG.

will i will get good result and reaching my goal with this cycle or i should replace tren by deca whats your advice.
P.S diet been like that since 3wks , gained 1 kg for far
Thank you all
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