this is my first time need some advice

If you don't read the stickies you're gonna get flamed. If you would've at the very least just scrolled down the first page a little you would've seen that this question has been asked. There are quite a few people on this site who have put a lot of time and effort into researching aas to make it easier for others. When you come on here and make a post without reading anything or trying to (stickies are at the top of the page) then I believe it shows a great deal of disrespect for the efforts and time people have put into this site! I can see why the guys who've been around here for a while get so frustrated! By the way I'm not disrespecting you, I did sort of the same thing and got flamed for it. Only difference is I read all the stickies and I chose to listen to another source instead then had to come back here with my tail between my legs and reread everything!!

Read the stickies more than once!

Thank you for serving our country!!