Those Calves, Guess Who???


New member
Here are a couple of pics of Mike Matarazzo's calves with a comparison to a friend of mine who was preparing for the Mr. Minnesota contest which he won the Heavyweight class. Matarazzos clves are ungodly and he was a great guy.
Yeah those calves are too freaky. Do you guys think those calves are natural or is there synthol or implants involved? They definately don't look syntholish to me, but I don't know how implants look.
He had those calves way before synthol. He had them before surgeons considered implants for places other than breasts.
string_bean00 said:
Yeah those calves are too freaky. Do you guys think those calves are natural or is there synthol or implants involved? They definately don't look syntholish to me, but I don't know how implants look.

Those calves are real and they are awesome. They have been known as the best calves in bodybuilding for a while, but go back and look at dorian's and nasser's calves in the mid and late 90's and them things are so freakin huge it's jaw dropping, and they didn't have implants or synthol. Some people just have genetically freaky calves. Now Nasser's shoulders and synthol are a different issue.
me and mike last july

yeah he makes you feel like you have never trained ur calves a day in ur life