Thoughts on Bostin Lloyd?


New member
What is everyone's thoughts on Bostin Lloyd? Obviously a younger dude taking loads and loads of juice. I think it's cool that he's so open about it and he has obviously made it work to achieve his specific goals. He kind of goes against the norm or what is "safe" though. What are your guys' thoughts?
Best thing about Boston is his honesty about toxicity and feeling toxic on too much gear.. Or certain gear.. Too many guys are not in tune with their own body and they feel bigger and stronger and equate that with feeling great, all the while they are feeling toxic as shit.. bOston is honest with what happens and extremes dudes go to, but honest about shit fucking u up too... A lot of guys get gains and say they feel great on so and so cycle, but it's all pride, they get gains but know they are fucking themselves up and feel toxic as hell. (Or they are just so dumb and not in tune with their body they can't til what's up either way)..
Bloyd is real enough to speak to his mistakes,, but still a little overkill,, but hey that's the world we live in now
I like watching his YouTube videos because he and I are the same age, yet what he does just seems extremely crazy. A lot of people say he won't live past the age of 40. Weather that is true or not I don't know but I guess we'll find out in the future. He sure does have some serious balls about being so open and I'm pretty sure he wants to be the next Rich Piana lol.
He brings steroid abuse to a new level. That's not something anyone should be be proud of and being so open about it invites others to be careless about using. Not to mention Johnny law etc. no amount of muscle or fame is worth knowingly shortening ones life by decades IMO
I respect everyone s opinion in this thread.

I admire his openness.
As a father I think he s setting a reckless example( but my kid wants to be a scientist not meathead like dad so thank god lol) but then who isn t ? Look at all these f k n multi millionaire athlete bro s punching their women elevators, carrying guns into clubs ( dumb fkr shot himself too ) raping spree s across the country, 8 kids with 6 women, assault s, batteries, in possession of whatever...thug s that can play sports. Period. And that s all they can do.

Boston s honest....and is only hurting today s world...I can dig it.
I respect everyone s opinion in this thread.

I admire his openness.
As a father I think he s setting a reckless example( but my kid wants to be a scientist not meathead like dad so thank god lol) but then who isn t ? Look at all these f k n multi millionaire athlete bro s punching their women elevators, carrying guns into clubs ( dumb fkr shot himself too ) raping spree s across the country, 8 kids with 6 women, assault s, batteries, in possession of whatever...thug s that can play sports. Period. And that s all they can do.

Boston s honest....and is only hurting today s world...I can dig it.

well said..

all the fucking fakes out there, i hope this kid cashes in big time.

i hope he lives to be 100

i read he only plans to compete another year or two tops, then will back off his admitted " drug abuse"

poeple tear up their bodies and destroy their health playing in the nfl boxing mma - and everybody applauds that shit

if lloyd tears up his body and takes the dirt nap before getting old enough to shit the bed in some nursing home - his body his life his choice. at least he did something , and was fucking original and genuine

all these assholes running gear selling whey and pre workout powder - i respect that kid more then any of them
I don't mind him, like others have said at least he's honest although I think he over exagerrates his drug use. Then again I don't mind Rich Piana either. Rich is making money off of looking like a freak and doing what he loves to do and is (fairly) honest about the shit he does, can't fault a guy for that. I like both of these guys because they don't look like they do and say yeah it's all genetics and I'm all natural....

Look at Mike O'hearn....yeah he's Mr. natural.....Douche!!
Just an idiot Like his sidekick nick wright
The dude isn't going to make it past 40
At his age he always breaths like he smoked a cartoon a cigs throughout the day, on top of things he is just a cocky asshole that is hated by the bb community! Calling out other bb's like swole and stuff like he is a ufc fighter or some shit talking snuck about others, he is in my eyes and others not a respected guy when it comes down to bodybuilding if competing, just an idiot that the shit will eventually catch up to him, lazy yes, he has even admitted it in one if his video's he takes a considerableamount of time off not hitting the gym, then when it's time he hits multiple compounds at crazy ass doses to get his achieved physique, idiot once again! No respect for him
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I don't like how he has clients that he gives shitty advice to. Can't say how many I've seen on here and other places that kids mention bostin is their coach. Dip shit got them on so much shit for a first cycle. It's fine to do it to yourself, ignorant to have kids pay you for your bullshit...
As I ve said I love ology for this reason. As long as an opinion is expressed and then explained everyone over 21 not playing games or jerking it in mama s basement has a soap box to say it from. And no one get s bent.

BL I m o will burn outand either fade away lighter healthy and fit or bloated on a couch with a pound bag of doritoe s in his lap watching t v and porn with a 300 pound version of himself getting his cheesey puffs.

Except for these threads I did not know who he was and now that I do I ll not waste 3 ms watching his vids...or 90 watching a Lebran James special or Kobye Briant either...they are like Hollywood actors----their opinion on anything is meaningless to me as they------------
Act--for a living
Bounce a ball-for a living

Better than I but does that mean they can outspell me ? I doubt it. Can they find as many countries on a globe as me ? No way.

Why is rap so popular, the dress w baggy pants and untied shoes, promoting being a slacker and avoiding responsibility and HONOR ?

........................because any lazy dumb fucker with a crayon and a piece of paper can do it..........................................
I think he is what is coming down the pipe and a look into the future (Not a good future at that) In the instant gratification world we live in this is what happens. He at least did the homework and found out how to do as little as possible and get a competition level physique.

I respect his openness and honesty. Perhaps we need a guy like this (but possibly more mature and more put together so hes taken serious) to get out in the open what has been hidden for too long.

What I don't like about him is he is all about living the lifestyle of being big. Not training. All day long I preach on here. Get your training and diet right first. Train hard for a few years first. Learn the natural way to gain. So when you decide to go to gear you have that much more of an edge. Then here he comes and admits that he pretty much sits around and eats fast food for months then. Dumps crazy amounts of oil and orals in his body and eats a diet so strict that Phil Heath would cringe for 4 months and Wha La!

Although he has some size for his age he really has no quality or muscle maturity. No graininess to speak of. I respect what he is doing I just wish he would take the training part of the lifestyle a little more serious.
Exactly what he is promoting pretty much is he is disrespecting every bb out there that has worked hard over the years to achieve there physique, but if u take this crazy amount of drugs, hardly breath u can look like this in a years time, u know how many people that are fuckin young twigs to begin with and don't realize negative aspects of things until they realize they come to a site like this and say I have been on for a few years of constant blasting and don't understand why they cannot recover there own natty testosterone ever again
The true facts are then revealed and reality then sets in they fucked up hard, this is not a game most skinny fucks i see in the gym think it is until they do decide to come off and shrivel up to a pee size stone again and then wonder why
This bostin guy is a fuckin joke, Joey swole at least bust his ass in the gym and works fuckin hard, meanwhile that fuck calls him out like wtf