Thoughts on this cycle guys


New member
I plan on coming down from 11% body fat to roughly 5-6 in the next 10-12 weeks
sustanon week 1-4 500 mg week
cyp week 5-10 500mg week
tren week 1-8 200 mg week
winny week 4-10 50 mg ED
t3 week 4-10 25mcg ED

considering running adex while on

clomid nolva etc on hand letro as well

Also any thoughts on b12 shots i found it in peptide form also cialis im hearing is good while on cycle
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You know people will need more info than that. Doses and frequency for one.

I'm a fan of gear so I'm not trying to talk you out of it necesarily, vut don't you think you could get to where you want with a good carb cycle diet? It would save you a few hundred dollara worth of gear.

Other than that, I don't have any experience with winny or tren (yet on the tren).
Just realized i totally left all of that out, thanks man, starting week 4 i was going to take a shot at carb cycling, i have edited my info as well
thank you in advance
You've been bere long enough, I'm sure you know this but sust needs to be injected based on the shortest ester. And I'll bet most people will say you're slightly low on your tren dose.

I know I'm not a wealth of info, but at least it's still at the top so mkre people can see it and respond.

Edit: remembered this, have caber or prami on hand even though keeping estradiol under control "should" also keep prolactin sides under control. Better safe than sorry.
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I plan on coming down from 11% body fat to roughly 5-6 in the next 10-12 weeks
sustanon week 1-4 500 mg week
cyp week 5-10 500mg week
tren week 1-8 200 mg week
winny week 4-10 50 mg ED
t3 week 4-10 25mcg ED

considering running adex while on

clomid nolva etc on hand letro as well

Also any thoughts on b12 shots i found it in peptide form also cialis im hearing is good while on cycle

1. Why the switch from sust to cyp? It's sooo much easier to pick one form of test and stick with it. I guess I can understand if you have a vial you're trying to get rid of, but otherwise - it really doesn't make sense.

2. Have you ever run tren? Judging by the short time frame I'm guessing acetate? 200mg is really a very small dose, even for tren. If this is your first time, what's your cycle experience look like? I'm getting at the point that if this is one of your first cycles, tren isn't a great idea. If you have run tren in the past, why such a small dose?

3. Six weeks of winny at 50mg. Ouch. Are you preparing for a contest or something? Winny does NOT reduce body fat, just water - much like it's cousin masteron. I'd be careful with mixing two really toxic compounds together like that. It's doable, but you're going to need some serious liver support.

4. That T3 dose will barely cover your natural production. Is that the intention, as a strict deficit will reduce thyroid output? Yes, tren is mildly suppressive of T3 too, but I still don't fully follow the small dose reasoning.

5.'re considering NOT growing tits, messing up your prostate, gaining 12lbs of water, increasing your clot risks, and a multitude of other issues. Gotcha.

Honestly I just thought you had a different reasoning for why you're doing things this way - until I got to this point. How many cycles have you run total?

Your PCT comments further have me questioning things too. Do you realize what it takes to reach 5% body fat while retaining muscle mass? It's much harder than many realize, and is often a challenge for the pros.

My .02c :)
Honestly thats strange cause I have never pinned sus as a short ester, my first time around the person who introduced me to it had me going every 3 days, I had amazing results on it my first time out
1. Why the switch from sust to cyp? It's sooo much easier to pick one form of test and stick with it. I guess I can understand if you have a vial you're trying to get rid of, but otherwise - it really doesn't make sense.

2. Have you ever run tren? Judging by the short time frame I'm guessing acetate? 200mg is really a very small dose, even for tren. If this is your first time, what's your cycle experience look like? I'm getting at the point that if this is one of your first cycles, tren isn't a great idea. If you have run tren in the past, why such a small dose?

3. Six weeks of winny at 50mg. Ouch. Are you preparing for a contest or something? Winny does NOT reduce body fat, just water - much like it's cousin masteron. I'd be careful with mixing two really toxic compounds together like that. It's doable, but you're going to need some serious liver support.

4. That T3 dose will barely cover your natural production. Is that the intention, as a strict deficit will reduce thyroid output? Yes, tren is mildly suppressive of T3 too, but I still don't fully follow the small dose reasoning.

5.'re considering NOT growing tits, messing up your prostate, gaining 12lbs of water, increasing your clot risks, and a multitude of other issues. Gotcha.

Honestly I just thought you had a different reasoning for why you're doing things this way - until I got to this point. How many cycles have you run total?

Your PCT comments further have me questioning things too. Do you realize what it takes to reach 5% body fat while retaining muscle mass? It's much harder than many realize, and is often a challenge for the pros.

My .02c :)

Thanks for chiming in halfwit
I have run tren for 2 years now, its been a pretty decent staple in most cycles, As for the sustanon yes I had a spare bottle and was just going to start off with that correct. If its not ultimately necessary then lets toss it. The tren is ace correct I was on the fence about 300mg wk but thought it might have been overkill. I have never run t3 so i wanted to start with 25 mcg then head on into 50, but you are correct I am not contest prepping but I have quite a few important photo shoots. I was previously 170 lbs before my first cycle and I will say leaning out since all the mass (im currently 225) has been very interesting. what would you suggest?
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Thanks for chiming in halfwit
I have run tren for 2 years now, its been a pretty decent staple in most cycles, As for the sustanon yes I had a spare bottle and was just going to start off with that correct. If its not ultimately necessary then lets toss it. The tren is ace correct I was on the fence about 300mg wk but thought it might have been overkill. I have never run t3 so i wanted to start with 25 mcg then head on into 50, but you are correct I am not contest prepping but I have quite a few important photo shoots. I was previously 170 lbs before my first cycle and I will say leaning out since all the mass (im currently 225) has been very interesting. what would you suggest?

I'd bump the tren to at LEAST 350mg/wk, keep test where it is, DEFINITELY be using adex (you haven't had prolactin problems with tren in the past when not using an AI?), drop the winstrol unless you absolutely have to have it, bump the T3 up to 50mcg (75, then 100mcg if feeling adventurous - but no more than that), run the test out 14 weeks total, and make sure your diet is crazy on point. I don't know what kind of shoots they are, but depending on how dry you need to be, you may want to look into water manipulation techniques if you haven't already. B12 is great, just make sure it's methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin - so you're getting your money's worth. There certainly is a difference.

Cialis is a wonder drug, but it's going to depend on your age whether or not you see all the benefits. Guys in their 20's can easily see similar results from arginine and other vasodilators. It will still be an excellent addition, just possibly overkill if you're still a young buck.
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I'd bump the tren to at LEAST 350mg/wk, keep test where it is, DEFINITELY be using adex (you haven't had prolactin problems with tren in the past when not using an AI?), drop the winstrol unless you absolutely have to have it, bump the T3 up to 50mcg (75, then 100mcg if feeling adventurous - but no more than that), run the test out 14 weeks total, and make sure your diet is crazy on point. I don't know what kind of shoots they are, but depending on how dry you need to be, you may want to look into water manipulation techniques if you haven't already. B12 is great, just make sure it's methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin - so you're getting your money's worth. There certainly is a difference.

Cialis is a wonder drug, but it's going to depend on your age whether or not you see all the benefits. Guys in their 20's can easily see similar results from arginine and other vasodilators. It will still be an excellent addition, just possibly overkill if you're still a young buck.

Thanks again for your input.
I will raise the tren dosage as well as the T3. In you opinion am I introducing the T3 at an optimal time during the cycle? I am 28 so i think i will get a peptide order of cialis going, as for the methylcobalamin i will take a look into that as well see about having it on hand by the 4 week mark. Thanks again for the input this is my first time "out on my own" cycle wise and these photo shoots are make or break.
Thanks again for your input.
I will raise the tren dosage as well as the T3. In you opinion am I introducing the T3 at an optimal time during the cycle? I am 28 so i think i will get a peptide order of cialis going, as for the methylcobalamin i will take a look into that as well see about having it on hand by the 4 week mark. Thanks again for the input this is my first time "out on my own" cycle wise and these photo shoots are make or break.

Yes, T3 takes time to build up in effectiveness, and the longer you're on it - the better. As long as you're starting the testosterone, you should be fine.

Good luck on the shoot! :)
Yes, T3 takes time to build up in effectiveness, and the longer you're on it - the better. As long as you're starting the testosterone, you should be fine.

Good luck on the shoot! :)

Thanks so much man, Got things rolling, what do u feel is a good dose to run the adex? kinda on the fence