1. Why the switch from sust to cyp? It's sooo much easier to pick one form of test and stick with it. I guess I can understand if you have a vial you're trying to get rid of, but otherwise - it really doesn't make sense.
2. Have you ever run tren? Judging by the short time frame I'm guessing acetate? 200mg is really a very small dose, even for tren. If this is your first time, what's your cycle experience look like? I'm getting at the point that if this is one of your first cycles, tren isn't a great idea. If you have run tren in the past, why such a small dose?
3. Six weeks of winny at 50mg. Ouch. Are you preparing for a contest or something? Winny does NOT reduce body fat, just water - much like it's cousin masteron. I'd be careful with mixing two really toxic compounds together like that. It's doable, but you're going to need some serious liver support.
4. That T3 dose will barely cover your natural production. Is that the intention, as a strict deficit will reduce thyroid output? Yes, tren is mildly suppressive of T3 too, but I still don't fully follow the small dose reasoning.
5. So.....you're considering NOT growing tits, messing up your prostate, gaining 12lbs of water, increasing your clot risks, and a multitude of other issues. Gotcha.
Honestly I just thought you had a different reasoning for why you're doing things this way - until I got to this point. How many cycles have you run total?
Your PCT comments further have me questioning things too. Do you realize what it takes to reach 5% body fat while retaining muscle mass? It's much harder than many realize, and is often a challenge for the pros.
My .02c