Thoughts please


New member
This is my first thread on the forum, but I have read this forum for sometime. The fact that I have seen many informative members and lots of solid advice (some of which I have followed) played a big role in my joining the forum.

My question is regarding the next cycle I am setting up for. While I have done many cycles in the past, most involving Test E alone or a Test/Tren combo this will be my first time running Test E with EQ.

I tend to be of the mindset of do as little as possible as far as mg are concerned and I have never ran Test over 500mg a week. I have heard different things when it comes to Test E/EQ cycles, so I would like to get some insight from people who have run this combo before. Dosage, inj frequency etc.
So here is how I was planning on running it.

WK 1-12 EQ 600mg
WK 1-12 Test E 500mg

I will have Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) as this has always seemed to work fine for me

My goal for this cycle is simply strength gains if that helps