el diablo blanco
letsgetyolked i fuckin love your avatar!!!
Right? Makes me horny looking at that hot ass! But then something in my head goes if Yolked ass looked like that would I get horny still?

letsgetyolked i fuckin love your avatar!!!
So what are you trynna say?
0 hours: 6 mg aromasin floating in body (take first dose)
24 hours later: 3 mg aromasin floating
48 hours later: 7.5 mg aromasin floating (take second dose)
72 hours later: 3.75 mg aromasin floating
Do you not see a fluctuating blood level? Taking it everyday keeps your levels stable, thus makes it more effective. If you want the best out of aromasin, take it with a meal that is high in fat. It allows the aromasin to be absorbed 40% better, otherwise.