Time to get HUGE Summer cycle


New member
This will be my third cycle. On my 2nd cycle dbol angered my preexisting gyno but i brought it back to normal finally. Also been off cycle for a year now and this is a bulk cycle and just wondering if anyone would critique it as far as adex

Gear is 1-15
1000 Sust (personal interest as my first 2 cycles were test c 500 and test e 750)
600 deca


.25 Adex EOD ?

Should i add nolva to prevent gyno?
What is your body fat %? Age? Height? Weight?

That doesn't seem like much Adex. How much Adex did you run on your previous cycles? Where did that place your E2?

Have you had gyno problems in the past?

Why no hCG?


Dopamine Agonist?
that was my past dose i believe and yeah i have gyno buy only noticed a flare with dbol. Ive never ran hcg in the past and nowhere to get it is hcg for pct? I have a pct nolva and clomid always on hand. what would you recommend for a dopamine agonist?

6' 217
12% bf
HCG is run on cycle to stop atrophy of testes and keep them active to make recovery easier. HCG is a HPTA suppressive and not run in PCT.

DA's are prami or caber. Need to have on hand before starting cycle with a 19 nor like DECA or TREN because of possible prolactin issues like lactating (milk) nipples