Time to start my summer cycle


New member
time to start my summer cycle! I'v been playing around with ideas back and forth for over a month now lol. I have on hand Tren, Mast, Sust, Cyp, winni, and Var. I would like to start my blast the first week of May and plan to run until the end of August. My plan is to switch back and forth between the cyp and sust and each time change up a second thing each time. My goal is to obviously look the best for 4th of july weekend and then keep it up for the rest of summer. Just not sure what order to run things. I was thinking blast sust and tren first then go to var and cyp, then sust and mast and end with cyp and winni. But not sure if i should stack 3 together and maybe do a small 4 week cruise in the middle?
I have been on and off gear since i was 18 about 6 cycles (i know bad idea on my part but i was a dumb kid playing college football...) and now am on TRT for life according to 2 different doctors. Currently i'm at 250mg per week keeping my levels nice and steady in the upper 800 lower 900 range. I was around 140 when i started. I haven't used HCG in about 8 months now so im going to start that as soon as it come in around the end of this week just to make sure i can have kids at some point in my life. I'm currently 5'8" 197lbs and 15% body fat measured by calipers.
Sorry for the long post but i just wanted to get all the info in and see what people thing that have more experience than i do at this. I heard tons of different thongs and second opinions never hurt.