tissue bulding

wife is having sugery on her shoulder from playing softball for so long and she wants to kno if there is anything that will help her recover faster so she can get back to the game, like a tissue builder or that will help it repair faster.
I don't have any answers for you, but I can offer some advice. I've been reading up on peptides lately, and the best source of info I've found is from a guy who calls himself "DatBtrue." Search for some of his articles. Also, I would recommend joining his forum.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide to use and how it works out.
Growth Hormone related peptides can HELP recovery greatly. I messed my ankle up pretty bad and recovered to a full 100% in about 3-4weeks while using GHRP-6 and CJC-1295. Being the topic is for a woman, she would need a GRF like Modified GRF 1-29 with DAC something that causes an amplified longer steady bleed of GH like women's natural GH pulse is

Are they all in injectable refridgerated form ?

I m so achey I m thinking of trying ghrp-6..but with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and hcg...fkn tired of pinning.
For the wife,

HGH is good for injury repair but also has a ton of other benefits. It repairs through the mechanism of increasing IGF-1.

A cheaper route to just handle repair work would be to get IGF-1 LR3. GWP has the old receptor grade green tops.


Yes, similar to HGH in that you mix, refrigerate and inject. The beauty of GH and peptides is that you can effectively inject sub Q with the smallest of insulin syringes.

Don't just go with ghrp-6, on it's own it isn't very effective for anything more than an appetite boost.

If you would like some detailed info on which to take, how much etc. Hit me with a PM and I will link you the info.
Yeah I bet! You aint no spring chicken that's for sure! GHRP-2 is MUCH stronger but neither is much good alone without a GHRH also.
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