TNE 75mg vs 100mg pre workout

It's funny that someone would think of calling themselves natty when they are running test suspension. Remember it's not the hormone that makes you a unnatural, but the ester it is combined with.

Hahah you know what I meant fucker, a naturally functioning HTPA :roll:
Hahah you know what I meant fucker, a naturally functioning HTPA :roll:

No, I'm pinning test suspension 4 times a day next cycle and claiming natty to everyone who asks. If someone questions me I will refer them to you to clear up the confusion about my natural status, you got my back?
Update on test suspension 75mg pre workout. It gave me more endurance and a sense of well being not much strength though as I failed a 15lb deadlift pr but it was very close. I did feel slightly stronger but mainly my endurance was through the roof! I'd say its pretty good pre workout I will be trying it again. Insane endurance and insane pumps!
Be ready for that funky taste to hit you a minute or so after injection. You'll learn to love it, but it's strange the first time or two. Have fun.

I get the same thing. My whole apt smells like it for awhile after pinning. My brother pinned it today and said "I can still smell and taste it". Lol

I get a hellova pip from it too.
I smelt it and it doesn't bother me at all I actually kind of like it. I felt like I could taste it more than smell it lol it was weird.