To Much protein=Kidney numbness


Whenever i eat A high protein diet my right kidney feels awkward, with periods of numbness and slight pain. So, i cut it down and it goes away. (some times after i piss as well)

Why? My mother once did a high protein diet and she got a kidney infection.

Maybe my genetics prevents me from metabolizing proteins right?

Maybe my metabolism is slow and it has a hard time processing all that protein?
How does everyone seem to know what a kidney, liver, etc feels like? If something started hurting inside of me, I would have no idea what it was.
You have to know where your parts are. I't hard to believe protien drinks can cuse kidney problems. Must be some kind of drugs that metabolize in kidneys. Sometimes things are just a coincidence. Don't over intellectualize.
mranak said:
How does everyone seem to know what a kidney, liver, etc feels like? If something started hurting inside of me, I would have no idea what it was.
I agree. Your organs refer pain to all sorts of areas in your body. It would be very difficult to know without a physician examining you. For instance, pancreatitis and testicular cancer can refer pain to the low back.
u take any creatine?

when i had a kidney stone my lower back hurt like no other. i had no idea it was my kidney until i went to the hospital.