To slin or not to slin? That is the question

Forged by Failure

New member
Hello to everyone, I've been lurking these forums for about a year now and have learned a lot so I wanted to begin by thanking everyone who contributes here. If your only interested in the title please proceed to the final paragraph.

I guess I should start with my stats. I've lifted for a total of about 8 years. Started when I was 13 and lifted consistently until I was 19. At that point I was natural, 5'11 at 170 with legit 6% bf (ephedrine was easy to get back then, lol). I quit lifting all together and spent the next 7 years getting all kinds of fucked up. 2 years ago I got tired of that lifestyle and picked up where I left off, only light years behind my former self. Now 2 years of total dedication to bodybuilding I sit at about 212 with 16% bf, bigger, stronger, and more passionate than ever.

I have run a single aas cycle, I started @ 178 with ~8-9%BF and now am in my third week of PCT @ 212 with ~16-17%BF. I was at about 216 2 weeks ago
weeks 1-4 tbol @ 50 daily
weeks 1-10 test e @500 week
weeks 11-16 supertest 450 @~500 week (wanted to see if it was worth the savings, NEVER AGAIN!!!!)
weeks 17-19.5 dbol @ 50 daily
weeks 16-19.5 HCG 500mg E3D (will run @500 week throughout next cycle)
Standard PCt as described by Austinite, Clomid and Nolva 4 weeks. By week 8 I got my adex dialed in, at least I believe I did. .125 EOD seems to be the dose for me. When running @ .25 eod for about a 10 days my joints started feeling creaky, and I felt shitty.

Are there any long terms sides from let's say 4 consecutive weeks of slin use, @ 15iu's max, 1 time a year? Yea you can die and that's pretty huge, I get it. I mean is there a significant risk to develop diabetes or maybe reduce your insulin sensitivity. My current perception is it will add significant gainz to your cycle and if your not retarded and take every precaution possible, can be used relatively safely and legaly.
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I'm going to be cutting to about 10% once I get my post cycle bloods confirming pct success. I doubt this changes your opinion, would you care to elaborate?
You don't want to use slin without gh. The only situation where you should contemplate using slin without gh is on high tren and extremely low BF, and even then it's not nearly as good as using gh.

Slin without gh will make you fat and smooth you out. Some people use slin during their carb load pre-competition day for their final carb load to really get the most glycogen storage possible, but that's neither here nor there. Slin just puts on weight really easy, not just muscle, and works synergistically with gh. That's why a lot of people are extremely careful about their gh, slin, and carb timing.

You'd be better off investing in more AAS or gh IMO.
You don't want to use slin without gh. The only situation where you should contemplate using slin without gh is on high tren and extremely low BF, and even then it's not nearly as good as using gh.

Slin without gh will make you fat and smooth you out. Some people use slin during their carb load pre-competition day for their final carb load to really get the most glycogen storage possible, but that's neither here nor there. Slin just puts on weight really easy, not just muscle, and works synergistically with gh. That's why a lot of people are extremely careful about their gh, slin, and carb timing.

You'd be better off investing in more AAS or gh IMO.

Thanks for the detailed response I wont be using slin anytime soon then, that's assuming I don't hit the lottery lol
As a type 1 diabetic who knows a lot about slin, it is not worth the risk. One mistake and you can die, that is not me being dramatic that is the truth. Everyone I know that uses slin turns into a water buffalo, I am sure they are over doing the carbs to stay alive but the risk to reward is not there. If you are hell bent on doing it, consult a type 1 because insluin can be tricky in the body, I will help but again its not worth it bro