To Tbol or not to Tbol with my first Test cycle?


New member
Im running my first Test E cycle, and decided to run it test only for 12 weeks starting with 250 a week for 4 weeks, 375 for 2 weeks and 500 for 6 weeks.
I'm in my first week with 500(week 7), and not much effect yet, some small gains in strength and weight. There might be some small improvements to be made in my diet, but my protein intake is high and my kcal intake is around 5000 a day. Only negs is some increased hairloss :(

I got a stash with TBol and have runned two 5 week cycles with Tbol earlier(I ended the last one 8 weeks ago). Got some gut pain late in the cycle, but that subsided as I got off the Tbol. I was thinking about running a 5week TBol cycle as a bridge cure before my next Test cycle(this time with deca), but now I'm considering to run it with my 5 weeks with remaining test and skipping the bridge cycle.

Any thoughs on whats the best option?
this is not a good idea to increase the dose during the cycle.
Keep the same dose throughout the cycle, for better plasma stability and avoid side effects
Its their own decision if they want to buy steroids and take without doing research alright im giving my advice on my experience so far, Na i couldnt you'd swear im forcing people to take these drugs you clown and tbol is farly harmless when taking responsibly, so go off and calm yourself down you DOPE!!
No1 gives a fuck about your stupid ass tbol only cycle. You may think it's the best thing since sliced bread now but you watch whats going to happen when you finish Hahaha O yer you call me a dope....... I've only got 1 thing to say to that....... Go fuck your mother. o121 you should fucking DO 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man you have problems you fucking pussy well able to talk shit over a computer I can tell your a fucking little virgin with small dysfunctional balls i have done alot of research on steroids alright and i know exactly what im doing you probably havent touched a steroid probably only come here because you have no life but to read peoples posts you sad cunt. you really need to get a life insted of coming here giving negative terrible advice thats aload of ballsack
You know what i'm going to say 1 thing and then i'm done with you. You say you've done your research yes??????????????????? then why the fuck are you doing a oral only cycle???????????????????? dumb fuck.
Grow up. Both of you. Seriously, guys like you shouldn't be on steroids at all. Reserve them for people who have enough intellect to function normally in society and not resort to acting like 6 year olds on the forums. Actually, I need to apologize to 6 year nephew is more mature than you are.