Todd is back in the office from Maui!!!! Mahalo!

IMT staff

Official Sponsor
So sorry about the disruption in communication fellas. I went to Hawaii last minute for a friends wedding, I had originally told him I may not be able to make it but ended up getting a standby ticket so cheap I had to go. Also since the website was finished before I went I felt good about it.

Usually when I go on trips I do not let everyone know because I don't want anyone to worry and because I work while I am away, IMT prides itself in responding in a timely fashion to everyone.

The airline lost my bag and I did not have it for the first 3 days and my laptop was in it. By the time it finally got there the computer I was using wasn't worth a crap and all I had was my phone. My Mac Pro screen went out recently so I took my daughters PC and needless to say it just wasn't up to the task.

On top of this it was an extremely tight schedule so I was busy most of the time I was there but had still planned on emailing at night but with so many emails doing it from my phone would have been almost impossible. On top of that if I answer all of them I won't know what I need to do when I get back.

Then on top of all of this LAX was a zoo and it took me 2 days to get home, I was only suppose to be gone 5 days.

Program requests should have went out as usual but there may be one or two people left that are still waiting. If you are still waiting please email me ASAP and I will get it out today at the latest tomorrow.

For the inconvenience we are going to do 10% off for the rest of the month so if you have been thinking about using IMT but hadn't pulled the trigger yet now is the time!!!! Or if you simply want to place a refill request.

Extremely sorry about the delay I have caused for anyone and I hope this somewhat makes up for it. I appreciate everyones patience and although Maui was beautiful I am glad to be back at home and back to work!
