Too much BA in Tren...

Jello Biafra

New member
I have some TF tren that's has some sting to it after injection. I'm sore for a few days.

I read somewhere that cooking the tren for a little bit burns up some of the alcohol. If so, for how long and what temperature?

Hey bro

You got the same shit I do!

Burns near the end of the injection

Burns and itches about 1/2 -2 hours after
Hurts like a mother fucker the next day

Don't bake your Tren, I have read that it oxidizes the tren (hence the change in colour when you cook it)

I think the only thing you can do is add some steril oil or B12 to it!

If you find something else, let me know
Thanks Ice.

No redness or bruising. Just muscle soreness.

I also have 70ml of TF prop collecting dust. It is the most painful shit I've ever injected.
I believe the heat required to burn off BA is very high and may damage the hormone. I think youre only option is mixing in some sterile oil to dilute it.
Ok, I did a super search on TF's painful Tren and Prop (on over 20 different boards), this is what I found:

1. Add sterile oil to your injection
2. Add B 12
3. warm the oil before injection (under hot tap water) (I do this anyway, and it doesn't help)

4. This is from Andy13 at Elitefitness:

Taking the pain out of test injections.

Someone said that it's the BA that causes the pain and swelling from concentrated steroid injections.

If this is indeed the case, here's a way to get rid of it.

Take one ml of your test solution along with 1ml of sterile oil into a 10cc syringe. A lesser concentrated steroid solution such as 50mg/ml eq may be substituted for the ml of sterile oil. When the BA is pulled out, it may leave some of the steroid precipitated. That is the purpose for adding the other ml of oil.

Now pull 1ml of sterile water into the syringe as well. Pull the plunger down as far as it will go so that you have as much empty space as possible. Shake the syringe thoroughly many times.

Let settle, turn syringe pin down and push the water out. This will take the alcohol with it. One extraction may very well work however this step may need to be repeated depending on how well you shook the syringe.
Theres another way, add some steril water and let sit. It absorbs some of the BA. Then you can draw off the water and your left with less BA, same oil. I have no clue how much water to add, or any specifics but this worked for a few good bro's I know of.
whoever made you gear is a dumbass. tren ace hardly needs any ba. 3%-5%. tren dont change colors when you cook it either. it may darken slightly (very slightly) but not much and it dont harm the hormone anyway. if it does something wrong with you gear. i am simply amazed at some of the stuff (shit) i read in here. also warming under hot tap water aint gonna do nothing cept lower viscosity.

i did however find the post about removing ba with water interesting. i see the logic as ba is water soluable. hmmmmm time to research a bit. of course if the ding bat that made the gear had any sense it would be painless at 100mg/ml anyway.
After you swab the site/vial top are you letting the isopropyl dry? I know for a fact if you stab up with some isopropyl on your pin your gonna feel some sting (maybe not for days but anyways). Just a side note I guess, but it seems like if it hurts immediatly, you messed something up.
you mean i shouldnt be using isopropyl as a solvent? guess the methanol is out the window too. it was such a great sterilizing agent too. i was jes gettin used to the pain.
I would look into getting some sesame seed oil, sterile filters, and sterile vials.

I would mix some oil with your gear (how much is up to you, just make sure you measure that way you know how much gear you are actually taking), then run it through the sterile filter into your sterile vial, leave the needle in the top of the vial and toss it into the oven at 275 or so for an hour and then let it cool in the oven for another hour.

That should solve your problem. All your 'accessories' should be relatively cheap.

One thing though, and this is important, if pullinbig offers to come over to your place to help you out, don't let him, but if you do, hide any pets you may have, especially cats.
TxLonghorn said:
I would look into getting some sesame seed oil, sterile filters, and sterile vials.

I would mix some oil with your gear (how much is up to you, just make sure you measure that way you know how much gear you are actually taking), then run it through the sterile filter into your sterile vial, leave the needle in the top of the vial and toss it into the oven at 275 or so for an hour and then let it cool in the oven for another hour.

That should solve your problem. All your 'accessories' should be relatively cheap.

One thing though, and this is important, if pullinbig offers to come over to your place to help you out, don't let him, but if you do, hide any pets you may have, especially cats.
If you were going to buy anything, just buy sterile oil and draw some up after your tren each time. Mix it up a little and shoot. Or you could buy some steril water and solve the problem directly.
DougoeFre5h said:
After you swab the site/vial top are you letting the isopropyl dry? I know for a fact if you stab up with some isopropyl on your pin your gonna feel some sting (maybe not for days but anyways). Just a side note I guess, but it seems like if it hurts immediatly, you messed something up.

Nah, I have did that before, that stings too!

But it's more of a sting near the end of the inject, maybe last 1/2cc (I am taking my time, usually take a good min to inject)
TxLonghorn said:
I would look into getting some sesame seed oil, sterile filters, and sterile vials.

I would mix some oil with your gear (how much is up to you, just make sure you measure that way you know how much gear you are actually taking), then run it through the sterile filter into your sterile vial, leave the needle in the top of the vial and toss it into the oven at 275 or so for an hour and then let it cool in the oven for another hour.

That should solve your problem. All your 'accessories' should be relatively cheap.

I'm going to give this a try!

I will let you know if this works out!
