I am banned!
Atm I think I am currently taking in 1500-2000mg of sodium each day. Also some potassium too. Is this too much sodium? My blood pressure seems normal. 110/70.
Sodium and Muscle Growth
Sodium is the primary positively charged ion in extra-cellular fluid. Sodium
regulates blood volume, acid-base balance, muscle and nerve function and
ATP-hydrolyzing activity in skeletal muscle. Potassium is the primary
positively charged ion in intracellular fluid. Potassium regulates intra-muscular
fluid levels, muscle and nerve function and ATP-hydrolyzing activity in skeletal
As you can see, sodium and potassium perform very similar functions with the
major difference being in the intra and extra-cellular fluid regulation. Most
everyone is aware that sodium has an effect on subcutaneous (under the skin)
fluid retention. Potassium has its effect on fluid inside the muscle cell. What
most don***8217;t realize is that these two minerals are constantly striving for
equilibrium. When one gets out of line with the other your system will strive to
adjust to the underlying situation.
When you cut your sodium intake, your body will quickly compensate by
holding more sodium in and releasing potassium out thereby decreasing fluid
inside the muscle cell. When you increase your sodium intake your body will
compensate by holding more potassium in (increasing intra-muscular fluid) and
increasing the excretion of sodium.
Sodium, potassium and the balance between the two can have a prominent
impact on muscle size and anabolism (increased cellular fluid inside the muscle
cell promotes an anabolic response in muscle tissue) as well as strength
through increase joint leverage. Also, elevated sodium and potassium levels
will tend to prevent soft tissue injuries so common in heavy training.