Torem/DHEA/DAA Mini-Cycle


New member
Had some questions, first of all, would this be worth running for a couple weeks?
If so, how would i go about stacking it? I was thinking:

Week 1 - Torem 90 mg, DHEA 300 mg, DAA 3g
Week 2 - Torem 90 mg, DHEA 300 mg, DAA 3g
Week 3 - Torem 60 mg
Week 4 - Torem 60 mg

Would basically be treating the first 2 weeks as a mini cycle and the last 2 as a PCT.

My theory would be that with Torem and DHEA it would have to convert into test because of Torem essentially blocking estrogen. Is this just completely asanine and the most newb shit youve ever read or would this actually be a decent poor mans mini cycle?

Should also add I havent been on anything in a year and hormones are normal.
even a full out teste and deca cycle would be a waste at 4 weeks. i would not try this one. do a cycle or dont (not to sound harsh)
stacking them for what purposes ?

DHEA or DAA do nothing for anabolism or building muscle. they are 'pre cursors' that 'may' help stimulate natural testosterone levels by as much as like 10%.

that means if you have a natty test level of say 300 , you can get it up to 330 ng/dl . this will do NOTHING. plus in order to get those natty levels stimulated you would need to run the supplements for weeks. not just a couple.
Also , there is not a PCT . your increasing natty levels , not suppressing them with those supplements. and a very small increase in natty levels would not need the use of a SERM like Torem.

in order to increase Anabolism with hormones, you need to get to supra-physiological levels . you need to go from 300 ng/dl to 5000 ng/dl . you can only do this with exogenous hormones/androgens, not supplements to stimulate natty production.