Toremifene citrate


New member
Toremifene is used to treat breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body in women who have experienced menopause ('change of life'; end of monthly menstrual periods). Toremifene is in a class of medications called nonsteroidal antiestrogens. It works by blocking the activity of estrogen (a female hormone) in the breast. This may stop the growth of some breast tumors that need estrogen to grow.

It can also be used as part of a strong post cycle therapy (pct) regimen. So use in place of Clomid or Nolvadex with great results. This is a fairly new compound so there isn't as much research on it.

Toremifene Citrate 30ml - 30mg/ml
still up in the air for me if i like this better than nolva/clomid.
bump this question, if anyone knows?

Honestly I think unless either solo wasn't working just sticking to one would be enough. I prefer Torem over Clomid as Clomid gave me a lot of depression sides. Whereas Torem just made my balls hang low ;)
Used it for post cycle therapy (pct) before and I swear I could feel my balls swelling by day 2 or day 3, they were sore as shit. I never felt like I was on post cycle therapy (pct), and seemed to recover really quickly. I remember it tasted pretty shitty too lol
Used it for PCT before and I swear I could feel my balls swelling by day 2 or day 3, they were sore as shit. I never felt like I was on PCT, and seemed to recover really quickly. I remember it tasted pretty shitty too lol

yes, this has to be the worst tasting stuff ever...did yours have like little particles floating around in it...i hope this stuff works good though cause my first impression was damn this stuff taste awfull