Total Noobie Question for cycle...


New member
Ok, Ive treid to research and honestly Im a bit lost,mostly on a Aromisin (AI) Sorry if this has been ask before & honestly this is my first post as well so im really s Noob. lol.. Im Lost as to what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to get as there appears to be quite a few options and opinions. Some people say to run it throughout, other only if you get symptoms, and also the amount to use. Is there a simple answer by chance??
I found Aromadex (Exemestane) 25mg pills, would that be a good choice ??? Research showed that at 12.5mg dose so i could break in half??

Cycle Im looking to start is 12wk test cypionate planning on 375mg a week to start as ive seen posts saying 250 to small, dont want to just start at 500 till i know how i am with it so i figure i will split the diff as its 250mg/ml I will get so a 1.5 shot will be 375mg.. I also will get clomid for post cycle but the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i need help with.. thanks for any help you cAn give..
You can start off using aromasin a dose of 12.5mg's every day is what you should start at, if you need more you can use the full 25mg or switch to arimidex.
First I'd suggest you to go with 500mg/wk. Thats where I started and ended up at 750mg/wk the last 4 weeks( my 12wk first cycle). Chances are your not going to have severe if hardly any sides running Test alone. 375mg isn't bad....but your going to see better gains with atleast 500mg.
Second..yes aromasin is just fine. It's what I used. I didn't need it until the end of my 3rd week where I experienced alittle "ichy nip"& alittle bloat. I used it ed for 1 week, then eod for 2 weeks. Sides have gone away but I still take 2x/wk.
Thank for your input on both amount of test & Aromatase inhibitor (AI) .. I have a guy locally that says he can get it but I see prices on line that appear to be a lot better.. Anyone Recommend a good place for a noobie to buy from ??? ....
When you guys talk about Bloat, do you mean like gas and diaheria. I did my first pin yesterday and been having the shitz and gaz it's not even funny. Don't see what else it could be, my diet is exactly the same.
