Ok, Ive treid to research and honestly Im a bit lost,mostly on a Aromisin (AI) Sorry if this has been ask before & honestly this is my first post as well so im really s Noob. lol.. Im Lost as to what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to get as there appears to be quite a few options and opinions. Some people say to run it throughout, other only if you get symptoms, and also the amount to use. Is there a simple answer by chance??
I found Aromadex (Exemestane) 25mg pills, would that be a good choice ??? Research showed that at 12.5mg dose so i could break in half??
Cycle Im looking to start is 12wk test cypionate planning on 375mg a week to start as ive seen posts saying 250 to small, dont want to just start at 500 till i know how i am with it so i figure i will split the diff as its 250mg/ml I will get so a 1.5 shot will be 375mg.. I also will get clomid for post cycle but the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i need help with.. thanks for any help you cAn give..
I found Aromadex (Exemestane) 25mg pills, would that be a good choice ??? Research showed that at 12.5mg dose so i could break in half??
Cycle Im looking to start is 12wk test cypionate planning on 375mg a week to start as ive seen posts saying 250 to small, dont want to just start at 500 till i know how i am with it so i figure i will split the diff as its 250mg/ml I will get so a 1.5 shot will be 375mg.. I also will get clomid for post cycle but the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i need help with.. thanks for any help you cAn give..