Tough question on fat distribution


New member
I am going to start a cutting cycle soon to get down to 8% body fat (currently at 12%). I have a layer on my stomach and chest, I know i can get rid of all of it. My question is, after its gone, and I start a bulk up again, can I generally expect to gain the fat back in those areas I had it before (chest, stomach), or is it possible that the fat will be distributed more evenly?

If i've left any info out that you need to answer the question, just ask...thanks a lot :40oz:
It is possible to have a better distribution of muscle, especially if you take bulking slow. However, If you gain weight too fast and much of it is fat it tends to work like accounting Last off first back on.
gotchya...LIFO FIFO, bringin back memories :p

Fair enough, I never make drastic diet changes, so I should be okay...thanks hg