transform and rollout


Setting NEWB Gun to KILL
ya i gotta thing with optimus prime. lol. hes cool so relax.

anyway im bout to start my first cycle here in a few days so i though id start this log.

thanks to all the bros on here that helped me out. im still learning but ive learned a buttload over the past 6 months or so

so here it is

march-june 2010

week 1-12

250mgx2 test e

Start injecting on march 3rd 2010. Day 1.

week 1-5

Turinabol 60mg/day(3x20mg)

Start taking orally on march 3rd 2010. Day 1.

HCG 250 iu 2x week starting on day 22 until a few days before post cycle therapy (pct)

will have liquidex on hand in case of estrogen related side effects.

start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last test e shot
clomid 50/50/50/50(50mg/day for 4 weeks)
nolva 20/20/20/20/20/20(20mg/day for 6 weeks)

im 6'2"
be 28 right away
197 lbs
11.4% bf. tested today
been lifting for a couple years now
4-6 days a week depending on schedule

taking in approx 3500 cals right now but will probably ramp up to 4000 while on cycle. dont wanna list diet because it varies because of my woek but its all fiberous carbs and high protien.

bout 300g/300g and 70g fat or so. give or take, my job doesnt allow me to exactly "eat right" but obviously from my stats i try my best. by the time the test kicks in ill be off work tho for 10 weeks or so,so i can focus on "EAT,SLEEP,TRAIN"

oh by the way i dont do cardio,havent for a year or so. trying to bulk so i wont be doing any on cycle either.

any input appreciated but cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) are set in stone. will alter the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if nyone has any opinions.

thanks bros
looks good, glad you did your homework and are at a good age and put the work in the gym already
thanks mofo.

not much interest in my cycle. oh well. im gonna do the log anyway.

today was march 1,day 1. did my first injection this morning. 1cc of test e. everything went good. shot my right quad,was painless. im a little shaky but i always am so it moved around a bit but no big deal. few hours later feels like i got punched in the leg but could care less about that.

so far so good. gonna take 20mg of tbol at 9am,2pm,7pm.
yeah bro keep a log for sure it will help you int the future with other cycles you'll be able to study them and see what worked for you and what didn't.
i have a log that i'm keeping for my cycle. i just havn't posted it due to the nature of its contents.
i'll be watching this to see how you do on it.
ok so second shot was tonite. went good. no pain. left quad. forgot to aspirate like a dumbass newb but im sure ill be fine as it was in the exact location of the right quad and there was no pain or blood afterward. im still alive 4 hours later so im sure its cool

tbol goin in the body every 5 hours or so. not feeling anything yet and didnt expect to. cant wait till i do.

diet has been kinda shitty as im out of my hometown for a few days getting my old ladies tits upgraded(see behind closed doors section lol)and living outta hotels. probably not getting anywhere near the right macros but its early and the test aint doing anything yet so whatever. be back home soon and then ill get her all straightened out.
hey bud. keep the log coming. I am interested. you got similar stats and I am looking to do a cycle in the near future.
sorry bros,seemed like no one was interested so i quit posting on here.

but since you ask, ill give an update.

today is the start of week 6. i did the tbol for about 4 1/2 weeks at 60mg/day.(200 pills) and that stuff was awesome. i got some water retention and my weight shot up fast. now i know this isnt supposed to happen with tbol,so maybe it was mislabelled dbol? i dunno. either way i went up a good 15 lbs in the first 2-3 weeks and then kinda stabalized at around 220lbs. this is about where i am today

i may need to revamp my diet. as the weight doesnt seem to be going up BUT my bf is definatley not going up at all so that is good. if anything it is down a bit.

the test that i recieved, i wanna say was underdosed,or bunk. i know everyone says this but i didnt experience any aggression changes,pumps,veins,erratic boners or anything i am led to believe my first bottle(from overseas) was crap. im not gonna talk shit bout the lab but lets leave it at that as i have no facts to back it up,only my experience.

anyway that bottle did me bout 5 weeks. i started another bottle and it seemed to have more "bite" injections hurt more and i know this isnt a sign to measure gear,but hey, it helps me mentally to know that it MIGHT be working better than the last stuff.

i posted my diet in jamys free diet help if anyone is interested i could post it in here. its over 4000 cals now. pretty clean as i want to maintain a leaner look. i have had no gyno issues(i have ugly nips anyway lol) no issues of any kind whatsoever. my balls are still intact as i started running 250 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in week four every 3 days or so. all in all its been a good cycle,not much strength gain,but i am getting stronger so i cant complain. doing a 5x5 routine and seem to be adding a bit of weight each week to all lifts.

i have only been shooting my quads because i am one shakey motherfucker so this is the easiest spot for me cuz i can use two hands. shots have been going good,no pains or infections to speak of. using 23g 1 inch.

im sitting around 220 lbs right now so i cant complain. i just kinda hope to see 230 lbs before im done. that was my goal at the beginning so i have 6 weeks to do it and im sure its achievable.

thanks for the interest boys
yea bro-i have no problem talking about labs they dont live up to their rep-fuck em-i have not heard good things about their test e or c-and i know a lot of people PERSONALLY who have ran it-the sustaplex gets much better reviews-but im starting to wonder if thats because its 325mg and an underdosed 325 would be better than an underdosed 250 or 200

haha didnt really keep a good log but oh well. just thought i'd give a little update so everyone can see the progress. i did 13 weeks in the end and just took my last shot may 27th. im hovering around 230 lbs and have put on a bit of fat(maybe its just bloat as i did not use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). im hoping this is what it is as my diet was pretty darn good. not perfect but 90%) lifts have all went up but am still definately no power lifter. gonna do my PCT as stated in OP and lower the intesity of my workouts i guess. still kinda researching on the best way to keep gains(any input appreciated)

all in all was a pretty good experience. got decent amount of back and chest acne but ive ALWAYS had a small amount of back acne so i knew i was gonna get it worse.

dont really know what else to say. any questions or comments appreciated