Tren A/Prop/Dbol Advice!


New member
Need advice and suggestions!? Been reading for awhile now and came up with this:

Tren Ace: Weeks 1-8 @ 50mg EOD
Test Prop: Weeks 1-10 @ 100mg EOD
Liquid Prami: (Start 1 weeks before cycle) Taper up from .125mg/.25mg then .50mg ED until week 8.
dbol: Weeks 1-4 @ 20mg ED

Albuterol: Two weeks on/Two weeks off @ 3-5mg 3xED throughout and after cycle.

Which AI?! Im Gyno prone and using Letro now to revere it!
Liquid Letro: (Start 2 weeks before cycle) and Weeks 1-12 @ .25mg ED


Liquid Stane (Aromisin): Weeks 1-12 @ 12.5mg ED

PCT: (Three Days after last injection)
Liquid Tamox: 40/40/20/20
Liquid Clomi: 105/105/70/70

All good? Cheers!
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